Cobwebs in the Mind! How?

5 Jul 2024

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


Spider-Man is one of the most beloved superheroes among us. He seems like a familiar guy, a guy from next door, doesn't he? Well, I'm here to talk about something related to him. Don't worry, I won't give any spoilers about the movie "Spider-Man: No Way Home." Absolutely not. So relax.

Before moving forward, let me say hello. Hello, family. I am your friend Jawad. My work isn't just about asking your desires, but I also help you with your own problems. Today, my topic is about feeling imprisoned by your own thoughts. It's like having a cobweb in your mind that's troubling you. Confusing topic? Let's move forward, and I'll explain it further. Shall we?

Note: This article is also published on my account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

Embracing the End with Dignity

The Cobweb of Your Mind

Cobwebs. They are the most intricate creations of spiders, a beautiful architecture that not only helps the spider catch food but also serves as its home. On the other hand, cobwebs are often seen as undesirable because they make the house look dirty. Ladies, who are reading my post, I deeply apologize for this comparison. But I need to address something important. We clean our homes whenever we see cobwebs. But what about our minds? There are more cobwebs in our minds than you can imagine. How do we get rid of them? No, I am completely sane. No spider made those webs, we did. Yes, we are the creators of those webs in our minds.

Cobwebs in the Mind! How?

How is it possible? I will answer that, but first, let me focus on something else. Cobwebs help spiders catch food. Little insects get stuck in them. Once trapped, they can hardly see a way out and eventually die, consumed by the spider. What if the insect had not gotten caught in the web? It would still be alive. But being stuck, it meets its end. Similarly, our brain deals with self-made cobwebs. Our memories are the spiders, our daily activities get stuck in the invisible webs made by them, and slowly, they drain us. We are slowing down. Don’t you get it?

Worst Memories Are Spiders

Our memories, especially those we wish to forget because of the pain they caused, are like spiders building cobwebs. In real life, spiders create webs and wait for their prey to get trapped. Our worst memories work in the same way. Once we get stuck, it’s hard to break free. It’s like quicksand. The more we delve into those memories, the deeper we sink. This is true, and deep down, you know it.

Invisible Obstacles

Invisible obstacles arise from the cobwebs in our minds. Look at these pictures, and you will understand every word I say. Everything that passes through the web gets stuck because it’s too light to cross the lines. Our minds follow these same principles. Whenever we revisit our past memories, we get caught by invisible obstacles created by our own thoughts. We begin to search for answers, but the truth is we cannot change the past, the events that have already occurred.

Don't Ask 'What If...'

The biggest and strongest cobweb in our minds is the question, “What if...?” We get trapped in old memories and start questioning ourselves! “What if I had made that decision?” These types of questions are like quicksand. They pull you further into the past, and you never escape the ultimate pain. That’s why you need to stop asking these questions. No one can change what happened, so why question it?

Clean the Mind Cobwebs

Friends, this is life. The reality is the present. We are living it. There is no point in dwelling in the past and getting stuck. Clean the cobwebs of your mind. You clean your home when you see cobwebs, so why tolerate them in your mind? Starting today, you are on a mission to clear these mental cobwebs. No more obstacles. No more cobwebs. You are on a mission to clear everything. Thank me later when the mission is accomplished.
All the pictures are clicked & edited by me.

Ending Thoughts

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
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