9 great blogs for Specialty coffee lovers
1. Seed To My Soul
This is a very good blog with very professional images about Specialty coffee. You can find creative, interesting articles about how to create a delicious cup of coffee, learn a lot of useful information and knowledge about the colorful world of Specialty coffee through the writer's experience. This is the first Blog that brought me into this world of coffee. And I believe that not only me but also many others have become more in love with coffee thanks to your articles.
You can read the blog at: https://seedtomysoul.com/
Follow his Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/tdbinh/
Some of the most widely read articles:
2. Barista's Weapons
This is a pretty cool blog written by Pham Luan. This blog is extremely useful for Baristas who want to learn more about coffee preparation and extraction. From basic to advanced, Barista's Weapons is quite easy to read. Best of all, she also notes the source for others who want to learn more later.
New Baristas should take this blog into their bed immediately!
Excerpt from the article: Extraction and common problems
Featured articles of this Blog:
3. Primecoffea.
A fairly old Blog written with an extremely broad spectrum of knowledge. There is enough basic knowledge for those who make coffee at home to in-depth knowledge for people in the industry.
The thing that impressed me most in the early days of searching for coffee knowledge was: Every time I searched for any knowledge, the majority of results returned came from Primecoffea.Featured articles of this Blog:
- Compare Arabica and Robusta coffee
- Coffee history from discovery to commercialization
- Crema in coffee and the unknown
4. Visty Specialty Coffee blog
After more than 2 years of operation, Visty has had quite a few articles for its beloved customers. The articles are well designed and extremely easy to understand for those starting to learn about coffee.
Some outstanding articles, highly appreciated by readers, include:
- What is Specialty Coffee?
- What is Pour Over?
- 5 frequently asked questions when making Cold Brew for the first time
- 4 common ways to make coffee at home.
In addition, Visty has many quick and simple knowledge updating articles on its fanpage. You can follow to read more by following: Visty.vn - Specialty CoffeeThat's it, here are 4 Vietnamese coffee blogs you should bookmark in your browser bar. And after following all 4 Blogs, I realized one thing:
Coffee is the core in determining the taste and emotions we receive. And mixing tools are what help us more easily get to what we want.
Therefore, as time goes on, I spend more time searching for coffee beans that are more suitable and delicious for my taste. Choose and use mixing tools within your ability and read more knowledge and gain experience to optimize your tools.
So during this period, when most people cannot go far. Visty also asked for a price subsidy to help you prepare nearly 20 types of coffee at home and coffee-making equipment at home . A part of the profits from these products will also be sent by Visty to the Vietnam vaccine fund to contribute a little to the great cause of this community. You can see more information below.
[Save 2022 Program]
For all coffee and brewing equipment at Visty
And now will be the latest update with 5 Foreign Coffee Blogs with many new things that I have compiled.
I will arrange these Blog pages in order from basic to advanced.
1. Homegrounds
This can be considered one of the top coffee blogs for Home Baristas - People who make coffee at home .
This Blog is extremely suitable for those who are just starting to make coffee at home. Because the knowledge, tips and instructions are all extremely basic.
One of the great articles that new coffee makers should read.
Some interesting articles on this site that you can read include:
2. Javapress
Another Blog with simple and easy-to-understand coffee knowledge for home brewers. But Javapresse not only cares about making coffee but also cares about the emotional factors and health of the barista at home.Some interesting articles on this site that you can read include:
- Instructions for people making coffee at home during quarantine days
- Coffee and drinkers' health updated version 2020
3. Perfect Daily Grind
Surely this will be a page that many coffee lovers know about. This is one of the most famous and reputable coffee websites in the industry. Perfect Daily Grind cooperates with many factors in the coffee industry such as farmers, processors in many parts of the world, baristas or roasters. Competitive and influential, manufacturers of coffee making equipment...
Therefore, at Perfect Daily Grind you can find most of the coffee-related information you need. And what I like most about this site is: The writer tries to keep everything conveyed just a little more than basic and uses extremely easy-to-understand words. In general, there is quite a balance between in-depth and basic knowledge at home.Some interesting articles on this site that you can read include:
- Adjust your coffee brew based on roast level
- Understand coffee extraction to have the best cup of coffee
4. Barista Hustle
Oh oh oh oh. Every time I read a new article on this Blog, I have more games to play with and try with my mixing tools.
With the huge goal of helping the world make better coffee, Barista Hustle with a team of professional Baristas who teach in-depth coffee... has produced articles with complete data. , exactly so everyone can try it right away.
However, this will be a fairly in-depth Blog. If you don't want to "go crazy" by absorbing too much knowledge at once, just read slowly.
A quite interesting topic on how to mix Pour Over from the Barista Hustle site
Some interesting articles on this site that you can read include:
5. Coffee AdAdstra
This is a quite in-depth website about coffee knowledge with extremely detailed measurements. If you want to thoroughly understand what's happening in the coffee making process, especially Pour Over and Espresso, this might be the right Blog for you. In addition, the page also provides information about coffee varieties and how to process coffee quite in-depth, especially how they affect the flavor of coffee.Some interesting articles on this site that you can read include:
- Why can't we grind finer for Pour Over coffee?
- The effects of varieties and preparation methods on coffee preparation
And those are 5 English Coffee Blogs that I find interesting and want to share with everyone. In addition, Bonus gives everyone an equally interesting website for people to learn about Specialty coffee flavor tasting . On this website there will be tables describing the flavors in coffee according to SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) and how to remember that flavor.
If you are learning about the flavors in coffee, this will be a pretty cool place.Click on each flavor you want to learn about in the table to read the description of each flavor. The link to that Blog page is here:
And that is a collection of 9 Blogs both Western and Vietnamese that Visty wants to share with you, with our brothers and sisters in the Vietnamese coffee-loving community.
Hopefully you can learn something more, or get more inspiration to explore this world of coffee. If you also have other interesting pages like that, please share them with Visty.