Importance and understanding of reading a smart contract audit.

22 Dec 2023

Smart contracts are self-executing agreements that are encoded directly on the blockchain. They allow for trusted transactions between parties without the need for an intermediary. As smart contracts gain adoption, auditing them has become crucial to ensure they are secure and function as intended. A smart contract audit evaluates the contract code for vulnerabilities, logical errors, and adherence to industry best practices before deployment.

Understanding how to read a smart contract audit report is important for developers, project teams, and users interacting with the contract. Audits build confidence in the security and reliability of smart contract systems by providing an independent assessment.

Background on Smart Contract Security

Unlike traditional applications, smart contracts cannot be easily updated once deployed. Additionally, they often hold and transfer significant value. This makes building secure and well-architected smart contracts essential from the start. Some risks associated with vulnerable or poorly coded contracts include:

  • Funds being stolen by exploiting vulnerabilities
  • Locking users' funds in the contract with no way to retrieve them
  • Functionality breaks that make the contract unusable
  • Conflicts with regulatory compliance
  • Unintended behaviors resulting in financial loss or risk

Manual audits by experts are the primary method used today for evaluating smart contract security. Audits complement rigorous internal reviews and testing done by development teams prior to release. Having an expert third-party assessment provides accountability, due diligence, and actionable insights to enhance contract safety.

The Audit Process

There are a few variations in how audits are conducted, but most follow a similar structure:

Engagement - The team requesting the audit selects an auditing firm, provides necessary background on the contracts, and specifies the codebases in scope.

Manual Code Review - Auditors thoroughly review all contract source code for vulnerabilities, going line-by-line through functionality. This relies on human expert analysis based on deep knowledge of prior incidents and risks.

Automated Analysis - Automated tools are used to complement the manual review, checking code styling, test coverage, gas usage, and other metrics. This assists auditors in identifying problem areas.

Testing - Auditors write and run test cases to verify expected behavior and attempt to break the contracts. Negative testing with simulated attacks uncovers flaws.

Reporting - Once the audit procedures are complete, the auditors produce a detailed report of their findings, methodology, and recommendations to the client. Reports aim to provide actionable remediation guidance.

Resolution - The team addresses any issues based on severity and incorporates auditor suggestions prior to launching their contracts. Outstanding problems may require another audit pass.

Common Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

Smart contract audits focus on identifying vulnerabilities that could lead to loss of funds, data or availability. Here are some examples:

  • Reentrancy - Functions that can be recursively called before the first invocation finishes can enable asset theft.

  • Integer Overflows - Math errors resulting from exceeding type bounds can alter contract logic.

  • Access Controls - Inadequate permissions and roles enforcement can enable unauthorized actions.

  • Front Running - Transaction ordering dependence without nonce handling leaves contracts exposed.

  • Denial of Service - Operations that consume substantial compute resources can make contracts unusable.

  • Logical Errors - Flaws in implemented logic can lead to unexpected behavior and risk.

Auditors have extensive checklists tailored to programming languages like Solidity based on historical issues and emerging threats.

Reviewing the Audit Report

Smart contract audit reports aim to provide transparency into assessment activities and discoveries to developers and stakeholders. Standard elements of an audit report include:

Summary - High level overview calling out critical vulnerabilities, the methodology, scope, resolutions and general conclusions.

Assessed Contracts - Listing of exact file names and code versions reviewed. Confirms coverage aligns with requested scope.

Audit Goals - Articulates the intended assurance level, standards used, and security properties examined based on client needs.

Methodology - Description of techniques leveraged during the audit, including manual review, automated analysis, negative testing etc. Provides insight into thoroughness.

Findings - Detailed technical descriptions of each vulnerability discovered, the associated risk, and remediation guidance ranked by severity. Core content that enables issue resolution.

Code Quality Discussion - Commentary on coding best practices, style consistency, documentation, test coverage and other maintainability factors noticed, since these impact security.

Testing and Code Coverage - Summary of test cases executed against the contracts and the code coverage percentage achieved to verify functioning.

Action Items - Numbered list of priority steps for the developers to address discovered problems and other recommendations before launch.

Final thoughts summarizing audit completeness, the overall security posture of the codebase, and any related considerations.

Assessing Audit Quality

Smart contract audits can vary significantly in quality and rigor. Just because an audit was completed does not mean substantial vulnerabilities do not remain. Teams should assess audit firm qualifications closely to determine adequate capability based on:

  • Experience - Years conducting smart contract audits, diversity of protocols reviewed, reputation built over time.

  • Methodology - Comprehensiveness of evaluation practices, leveraging both manual and automated techniques tailored to project.

  • Talent - Skills of the auditors themselves, from security expertise, blockchain knowledge and technical abilities.

  • Reporting - Level of detail included in vulnerability write ups, prioritization and actionability of remediation guidance.

It can be well worth selecting a top tier auditing firm, even at greater expense. For complex or high value protocols poor quality audits represent substantial ongoing risk.

Interpreting Audit Results

Smart contract audit reports contain a wealth of detailed technical findings that teams need to parses to effectively address issues. Developers should:

  • Replicate - Corroborate vulnerability technical explanations through reproducing them locally. Confirms significance.

  • Prioritize - Use severity rankings and exploitable risk levels to guide order of remediation. The most serious get fixed first.

  • ROOT CAUSE - Understand why the vulnerabilities arose to prevent similar future coding mistakes. Enhance secure development knowledge.

  • Reassess - For complex findings, request auditor support explaining and scoping potential solutions if needed. Iterative refinement of remediation plans may occur.

  • Retest - After fixes, rigorously test corrected functionality along with running full regression test suites to verify.

Even for audits with solid results, some medium risk findings may persist depending on project tradeoffs. Teams can choose to accept certain issues with monitoring and documenting compensating controls to contain impact.

Audit Value and Limitations

Rigorous smart contract security audits provide substantial reliability benefits by reducing preventable vulnerabilities that lead to exploited incidents or developmental roadblocks down the line. Audits augment in house security practices.

However, audits do not guarantee flawless code. There are inherent limitations to manual reviews based on auditor focus, false negatives missing issues, and emerging threats. Complex logic can hide problems. Audits reflect analysis at a point in time - they must occur regularly, especially after major code changes. For these reasons, capable internal security is still essential.

By partnering with auditors taking an advisory role beyond just reporting, teams gain specialized expertise as an extension of their staff. Auditors provide mentorship through questions, design discussion and training developers directly that organizations can build upon.


Smart contract audits play a vital role assessing, validating and enhancing the reliability of business critical code prior to release. Understanding how to interpret audit reports allows teams to scope remediation, monitor quality, and incorporate insights improve development practices over the long term. Risks will always exist, but thorough audits demonstrate due care while providing actionable next steps.

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