Do smile at every moment
Some things happen in life, this is what happened. Not so important, but worth listening to. I placed a coin in the hand of a smiling Bairagya standing near the door of the monastery. He looked up at me. I quickly took back the coin from his hand and put the rupee coin on his hand. He was looking at me with a smile. I was confused but spoke in fluent language, "Dad, what are you looking at! There is no difference in government coinage. Hey, let's make the rupee and Adheli coin the same. So I will first understand the rupee and put eight annas on your hand But I wanted to give rupees, so took eight annas and gave you rupees" and Bairagibuba kept looking at me with a smile and didn't understand anything and I said, "Hey Dad, what are you looking at! Put that rupee in your pocket." Baba, who had not said anything for so long, spoke and said, "Thinker, don't take back what has been given, what has been given is given." what?" I said, "Ah but I wanted to give a rupee but only eight annas was given. So" he said with a smile, "But it was given, right, we don't want to take back what we have given. You don't want to take your neck back. And don't want to be insulted." Then I said, "So you want that Adheli? Don't talk!" He said, "You are the one who doesn't want me!" What I mean is that what is given is given. Does the housewife remove the food from the plate when it grows on the plate? Never break a promise. The minister breaks it. Never break the door lock. Robbers break it, you're not one of them. I called you a thinker. You gave me the rupee after asking and I accepted it." Then I said to him, "Hey Dad, what should I do now?" Did I do something wrong?" He said, "You are wrong Will not do. But I wanted to tell anyone who would listen. What is given is not to be taken back. The neck is not to be taken from behind. Donation should be done satpatri. Money has to be earned with hard work, hearts have to be won." He had a smile on his face while saying all this. Placing the Adheli coin near me on his hand, I sat him on the mat and said, "Baba, sit down and tell me, I am surprised to see the smile on your face. Tell me, what is laughter! Why smile! What does it mean! Why are you always smiling?" Seeing me, he smiled and said, "Inquisitive soul, laughter is a miracle. A smile is a greeting. And laughing is also a trick. Laughter is also an illusion. Laughter is also a scream. Cheek smile, lip smile, teeth smile, mouth smile, belly laugh, body shake smile, neck high or neck low smile, smile with full eyes, self smile, rumbling smile, smiley face. And mocking, great laughter are different forms of such laughter." Saying this, Baba stopped. Next, let me tell you something important is So they rested. But while saying all this, his way of naming the different types of laughter was so easy that I could see the actual action of those types. Oftentimes, I got the feeling that the dead-eyed director explains the story to Hada, and I kept recording such actions on my mind. I think the readers will also feel the humor. Then Baba said, "O Gamma Shodhak! The watery clouds of laughter on the terrain of the face delight the body by raining laughter while a mother's smile shows affection. Father's smile gives warmth. A sister's smile shows intimacy and a brother's smile shows pride. A wife's smile is love and demand.
A child's smile is a prayer, a disciple's smile is a request. The Guru's smile preaches peace. All these smiles contain happiness, contentment, patience and goodwill. There is strength in the smile of an enemy, devotion in the smile of a friend. Mother-in-law's smile is sarcastic and daughter-in-law's smile is mockery. A smile before God is forgiving. Ministers laugh fakely, Tantris laugh, the laughter in the auditorium is the delight of the audience. A smile in mimicry is a momentary smile. Seeing action with eyes, communicating with ears Hearing, as the sensation travels through the mani chakra to the head chakra, laughter erupts from the mouth with the consonant ha ha hi hoo he." And he laughed for a long time and he laughed for a long time, and as I got a lesson in comedy for a rupee, he said with self-sacrifice, "Good God, you said a rupee in your heart, but this lesson cost you a rupee and a half." I quickly asked Baba, "How did you know my heart? Then he said with a smile, "You are thoughtful, curious, talented and a good listener. Then it is not right for you to know it" and the voice said Dhabb. A woman with her baby fell on the road. The child was injured, the woman was injured, the crowd gathered and everyone's faces became sad. Some servants reached the lady in a car. I also went to help in that crowd. I also had a small expression of sadness on my face. I looked at Bairagi Baba and saw him smiling at everything. I said to him with a little anger, "Oh father, how cruel you are!" You did not feel any pity for that woman and that young baby. Khushal is looking at you with a smile." Baba wiped his own eyes and said baby, "Hah There is a deceptive smile. Now listen carefully. According to my wife's promise to always smile, I went abroad and underwent plastic surgery to make my face look always smiling and the skin on my face always looked smiling. Wife is happy but I am still laughing after her mother's death. Seeing this she left me. Even after she was gone, I felt like smiling. My heart was sad, but I felt smiling, so I became a hermit. All this is the result of plastic surgery. Then people started calling me. Sadahasmukh Maharaj." I bowed to them and came home smiling.