All about P2P in cryptocurrency
P2P is simply means peer-to-peer (P2P)is a platform that lets traders buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly with other individuals.
How to buy cryptocurrencies though p2p . How to exchange NGN to USDT with binance exchange.
Step 1. Open the Application click on Trades from the down π
Step 2. Click on P2P from the up π
Step 3. In this step you have two (2) options .
(i) P2P: For you to select the merchant that you want to trade with
(i) Express: For binance to select the available merchant that is online for you to buy .
For the first time let use Express option.
Click it
Step 4. Put the Amount in NGN
#1,000 to NGN
#6,600 to USDT
#5,300 to BTC
#4,000 ETH,BNB,SOL and More.
Click on buy .
Step 5. Click on make payment to see the sell payment details, such as Account number, name,bank and seller rules.
Copy the seller account number, transfer the amount of the money Done π
Step 6 go back to your binance app
Click on transferred notify seller done π
Wait for the seller to confirm your payment to release the coins.