The Death Of Deception & The Rise Of Intelligence

20 May 2024

A Call To Clarity
The world has been in an accelerated state of unraveling since covid. A harsh reality that triggered many an individual to take a deeper look at the world and the rules and rituals that govern it. For many, this was a wake-up call. A realization that there was a lot more unfolding behind the scenes than was previously thought. This was where it all began to unravel.
Some have always understood the deeper workings of the world. However, for most people, dedicating time and energy to such meditations was a waste of time, at least until now. All of a sudden, there are many arriving on the doorstep of realization. The realization that much of how we view the world is a lie, a finely crafted deception.
A deception designed to enslave and oppress. It does sound rather sinister and extreme. The excessive money printing of 2020 and 2021 caused many to question the legitimacy and integrity of our monetary policies, as well as the motives and intentions behind creating and endorsing these policies. It was this very moment that triggered an epiphany for thinking Americans. The Penny had begun to drop.
The Great Awakening
This is however still a minority of society. Many are still under the illusion that selfish people in positions of power are selfless, caring individuals seeking the betterment of society. Even without power, human beings are inherently selfish. Given power, they become increasingly more selfish. It's practically an impossibility for these two forces to coexist, yet many still hold to this level of thought.
The increase in global protests attests to the fact that people are beginning to realize that the foundations of many systems are a lie. That much of what is believed to be beneficial is essentially harmful. The technological advancements over the past decade have unintentionally revealed the flaws and corruption within existing structures and policies. We are at the doorstep of the "Great Awakening".
As many are now beginning to realize, the horrific policies of the Biden Administration are not only poor decisions but decisions made for personal gain. Poor policies are not only robbing Americans but also enriching others. Every idea or policy has an internal infrastructure. The study and revelation of this infrastructure unveils the true intent behind the policy in question.
Personal research is something alien to the majority of mankind. However, we are beginning to see signs of a change. People are now choosing to fact-check things themselves, and are becoming increasingly more skeptical. Eventually...

Enough is enough!

It's at such a point that change can take place. There are of course those sinking deeper into a pit of deception, as newer deceptions enter our world, ready to enslave the ignorant and unsuspecting.
Although power structures have always been corrupt, previous generations could still enjoy a happy life, even if they were completely unaware of the finer elements of societal and economic constructs. For example, the average citizen understands more regarding money than their parents and grandparents. The simple reason is that trust was still an integral aspect of society. Sadly, that trust is now eroding.
People are turning to code as a form of trust. There are long-term issues that can arise from such a system. However, it still trumps the current governing structures. We are living in a period of change. A time that will go down in history as a monumental shift.

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