[βππ§ππ£] ππππ ππ π¦π£ πΉππ₯ππ ππ - Sell Into "The Gospel of Greed"
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I Plan To Do A Nice Little Weekly Series called:
βππ§ππ£ ππππ ππ π¦π£ πΉππ₯ππ ππ
ItΒ΄s been months since I wrote about crypto, but you could have expected that. Because I told you what I was planning.
I told you literally I was gonna do nothing till we fo PARABO.
Hence I have been watching the market from a distance, and I am more firm than ever on the idea that ALTS are nothing more than a casino.
Hate me for saying that as much as you want but you can not take them seriously.
And I am really glad I never did.
Tech does not mean poo in a Bull Market
Don't get me wrong ALTS can make you rich and I am holding 40% of my portfolio in ALTS, but I do not take them seriously and I would never call them an investment. An educated gamble, that is all it is.
Now a good virtual friend of mine wondered if we would see a real ALTSZN next year.
Good Question
The reason he wondered was because there are currently no idiots to dump our bags onto, and he is right.
The thing is that anyone who was seriously in crypto at the start of Flufftober is a veteran. Retail will be late to the party as always.
Retail lost a lot last time, so they are still licking their 22/23 wounds, it takes time for the brain to forget. In the meantime, a new retail army is unconsciously growing.
Kam & Trump both mentioned Crypto, ETFs are booming, the word is on the street, and the gin(i= is out of the bottle.
Soon retail will be in again because they heard the gospel and now need just that little mental push.
And we all know what push that is.
The Mental Push
ItΒ΄s not about the tech, not about the ETFs, not about which president.....in the end, the masses are seduced by greed, their own foolish greed. They want what you have.
We The Coiners will brag when BTC hits 100K, telling people I told you so. Spreading the 10X gospel.
ThatΒ΄s the gospel of greed.
DonΒ΄t ask me why people will blindly invest in Mama coins, Daddy coins, Baby coins, and whatever other coins will fluff up the market.All they see is you and me saying, bought at 18K in 2022 and within 3 years I 5Xed that mofo.
We Are Not Smart
You didn't have to be smart to buy BTC in 2022, or any other ALT that might do well in the next 14 months, you just needed the liquidity and nothing better to do with that money.
Of course, some will cry I had conviction.
Hey man, I did too. I had a conviction we would have cities on Mars by now. The thing is you never know how the cookie crumbles. Life is just a slightly educated guessing game.
Anyway, now all you need to do is avoid being dumped on by retail. Because that would be the dumbest move, waiting all bear-market to make the same mistake again. Alts are the game of the bigger fool.
And that my virtual friend, is the answer to your question; The Gospel of Greed & The Bigger Fools Game.Because everyone sees dollar signs soon, everyone plans to get out with 5 or 50X. But many never do.
That is why those who were there during the bear market might do better.
Raise Your Hand
Raise those paws if you kept buying the dip in 2022 thinking we would go back up.
Raise those paws if you have been trying to make the best of a bad situation ever since SBF was exposed for the not-so-whiz kid he was.
What kept you buying was The Greed.
You canΒ΄t help it, you are only human, and there are many more like you.
If you think retail was in during the 2021 run, you are in for a surprise.
Did we have nation-states buying BTC back then?
Did we have presidents at the BTC conference?
Did we have weird ladies wanting to protect the black men's crypto?
The Gospel of Greed will take them all, the mental push is only 15K away.
Once BTC breaks 100K retail will be all in and late to the party, but that is fine. They will learn an expensive lesson we all had to learn
DonΒ΄t fall for the Gospel of Greed and donΒ΄t be the biggest fool holding the bag when everyone else left the party.
Take profits first and try to make wife changing money second. That is as simple as it gets.
Mid Curving......
Now some of you will be first in line to tell me I am mid-curving, that I have PTSS from not getting out on time last cycle...
And you know what, you are right. Lesson learned, I got out in 2022 with profit, I put everything back into the casino on the way down and I have not been in the red.
And I like to keep that perfect score. I will walk away again with a handsome amount of money in my pocket and not be part of the 90% walking away with a loss.
All You Need Is A Plan To Beat The House
That is how simple it should be, just have a plan.
I bought BTC with my profits all the way from 44K down to 18K every 5K we dropped I bought. And when we dropped below 20K I made my final investment.
All that BTC sits in a wallet and will not be sold.
What will be sold is the ALTS, and right now I hold enough ALTS on one exchange to cover all the money I invested. Full disclosure I hold 80% of my ALTS there, but that is beside the point.
The point is, we just started going PARABO and I already went from holding 0,2% in stables to 2,5% in stables.
Do you see where I am going?
Correct, from 0,2 to 2.5 in a week, if I can add 2.5% every week I will have 25% in stables by Jan and 50% in stables by April. And that is pretty much the plan. That other 50% I can let it ride, and get out on the way down if there is no blow-off top in November 2025.
Bikini Bottom Line
DonΒ΄t be greedy, of course, you can say let it ride to some of your holdings, but at the same time start scalping others.
Nobody wants to be in fiat, so think about where you want to be in. Gold is going down since risk assets went up, if gold remains stable for the next 5 months I know where my 50% will flow.
I will be buying Gold in April 2025, and switching some of that Gold to BTC in September 2026 aka 28 months after the halving.
Resist the Gospel of Greed, and follow the Path of Profit!
Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!