The letter.
Wanted to talk to you for years; But to stay. Don't worry, I'm not a preacher. I am a soldier in your school, Appa, you are in such a hurry in school that you never get a chance to talk, hence this letter. I have nothing to say about your studies. I sometimes listen to what your teacher is teaching through the window. by ear. All this was left in childhood. The home situation was not like sitting in school full time; But you are lucky. Every day new things fall on the ears. To tell you the truth, I find your parents who occasionally come to school more worried; But don't worry too much. Anxiety only increases wrinkles on forehead, not marks. anyway.The reason for writing the letter is that next year you will go to college after finishing school. A reminder that the time will come for you to decide what to do in life. Every year Teacher's Day is celebrated in our school. Everyone wants to be a headmaster or a teacher; But very few children want to become soldiers. You don't have to be a soldier; But don't you believe that even as a soldier, good work can be done, we can deserve praise? One thing I know is that whatever work is done, it should be done by people. The work is not small. Now look at the charger itself. What is the use of a mobile without a charger? Gentleness is as important as the doctor. You see, whether it is captain of cricket Virat Kohli or Dhoni, the one who takes care of the pitch on the field is more important. Because the pitch plays a huge role in deciding the match. Orissa who make balut sculptures on the beach.Darshan Patnaik is famous all over the country. Many people are seen playing the clarinet while sitting in the marriage lap.Bismillah Khan used to play the sanai with such passion that it became popular all over the world. It is not important what you do, but how much you do it with heart is more important. I understand that you will not see dust on any book in our library because I work there. I am not saying that you should do the same thing but I think that what you do should be the best in the world.I know you all want to be doctors or engineers; But sometimes I think that if everyone becomes a doctor, who will be the patient in the world? Why would everyone be injecting each other? Many people do something else because there is no choice, but I think you should do something else. I saw you chasing butterflies. At least one of you should study the beautiful life of butterflies. The window was closed for a long time because of the bees swarming outside your classroom; But now open the window. Look at those bees. They can't make a perfect honey like they make honey, but if you see how hard they work to collect honey, you will know the value and fun of hard work.There is a man in Mumbai who visits people's homes every week. Even if you don't know and what you do, you just check if the bathroom faucet of the basin in people's house is leaking. His work alone has saved lakhs of liters of water over the years, which would otherwise have been wasted due to faulty taps.
Saving the wasted drops of water is as important as wiping the tears from the eyes of a sad person. A boy saved his birthday money and you know what? The children in the slums had to cross the stream on a flimsy wooden bridge. He gave his money from his birthday money to build a concrete bridge for those children.There is so much to do around us. Even if one person plants ten trees, the picture of this country will change. India will be the most naturally rich country in the world, because the population of our country is more than 650 crores. Consider the tree multiplied by ten. The problem is that we now have too many names for cartoons; But if you ask the names of the trees, even ten trees are not known. Same with birds. Even the surrounding birds are unrecognizable, barring crows, pigeons, sparrows and eagles to name a few. Flowers also have five to seven spines. The pages in the book contain food for the head. The leaves of the tree have the power to keep the tree alive. Both pages are important. Both should be seen, no matter how big people grow in love, their shadow is of no use to anyone; But if the trees grow, their shade is useful for many generations. How many bushes are around your house is more important than what car is in front of your house. If you want to show off how rich you are, a car is essential; But if you want to show how rich your country is, a bush is essential. Millions of children who are obsessed with trees are needed.
People dream of earning a lot of money and going to another country to see nature; But our country needs people who enrich nature. Many of you will be going abroad. At least one of you should be seen singing at the Sawai Gandharva festival. If you come first in the exam, your name will be on the wall of the school; But a book written by one of you should appear in your school library. You're going to the world's biggest hotels; But I want to come and eat hurda in the field of at least one of you. People from Abar come to see Verul Ajantha built by their forefathers. I am sure you will come up with something new and magnificent.I have told all this because I have seen you very closely. Your teachers have seen you sitting in the classroom disciplined; But I have seen you messing around in the field. Everyone would say seeing your confusion.We have never seen such children; But I was not angry. When you grow up, the world must say, we have never seen such children. I will be happy. Just be happy as you are now. The world will ask you, how many marks did you get in school? But I will tell the world how good you are. I have seen you rioting outside the classrooms, on the field, in social gatherings, in hostels living like this. These moments cannot be regained. These points cannot be redeemed. Former President Dr. A. P. J. No one knows how many marks Abdul Kalam scored in class 10; But the whole world knows what an ideal person he was. How you live your life matters. How you look at the world matters. In class 10th, some will have more marks, some will have less; But whatever you do in life, you will be who you are. i believe Best of luck!
Best of luck!