How to Earn Bulb Points.

29 Oct 2022

When it comes to bulb points, so many people are usually discouraged due to the fact that they feel that they cannot earn bulb points and bulb token because they don't have what to write. This is not true. Rather than waste your energy in a day and allowing it to recharge without actually using it because of not having what to write to post, here are some tips on utilizing your energy and still earning bulb points and token without having to write an article.
* The most effective way to use energy without allowing it to go to waste when no not posting article is by writing comments. Commens not only give you bulb points and token, it also offers you the chance to popularize yourself by making yourself known to major writers who will in turn not fail to comment when you post a great article. Comments also enable you to know how to contribute profitably to vital issues that affects your existence in the society.
* Read other people's articles. When you read other people's articles, it has two great benefits. Apart from helping you understand concepts that you found difficult to comprehend, it also motivates you to writing thought provoking articles as well. If you don't know what to write on a particular day, try reading what people have written and you will see that a miracle will surely happen to you as you will begin to craft your own topwhatout. 
These and other points that will be shard to you on the next post will help boost your performance as you keep writing wonderful articles on this platform.

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