UNDETECTABLE AI - Detect and Check for AI Content- Detectors like CopyLeaks, Writer, GPTZero.
Undetectable AI is a tool we designed to detect AI written text and make AI-generated content more human. We do this through a variety of machine learning models and additionally use text pre-processing and post processing to ensure that AI detection has been removed and you're able to bypass AI detectors.
How do AI Detectors Work?
AI detectors utilize two types of technology to detect AI-generated content: machine learning and natural language processors. Both of these allow the AI detector to identify predictable language patterns, syntax, and complexity levels. If the detector recognizes enough of these patterns, it provides a likelihood that the text was generated by AI.
But what do AI detectors compare their findings to? Most AI detectors have been trained on thousands, if not millions, of datasets. This helps the detector identify and compare the text example to pieces of AI-generated content that it has already learned. So, not only does the detector find patterns in the writing that are indicative of AI generation, but it also compares this to thousands of examples of AI text.
While you might think this is an added layer of security, we must always keep in mind that AI detectors are determining the likelihood that the text was created by AI. A detector can never say with 100% precision that text has been created by AI or a human.
Two other terms you might hear when discussing AI detectors are the perplexity and burstiness of the content. These seem like less technical terms, so you might be wondering what they mean.
Perplexity refers to how confusing or complex the text might be for a reader. Literally, what are the chances this will leave the reader perplexed? Why is this important? Because AI-generated content usually oversimplifies the text and has a low perplexity level.
Burstiness has to do with the flow of the sentences and the structure in which they are written. If you’ve ever read AI content you’ll know that the sentence length and structures do not vary much. This is what gives it that mechanical and robotic feel when you read it. Human writers tend to use varying sentence lengths. This effectively gives the text a more conversational and natural feel.