Gachag Nabi
Gachag Nabi Ali oglu was born in 1854 in the village of Ashagi Mollu of Zangezur district (today's Gubadli district).
Ali barely supports a family of seven people. Therefore, he gives Nabi as a servant to the merchants in Shusha at an early age. After receiving the news of his father's death, Nabi returns to his village and is forced to head his family. After some time, Nabi's mother also dies. He starts working as a doorman in order to support his younger sister Zeinabi and brother Mehdi. *** After the death of his father and mother, Nabi falls in love with Hajar, the daughter of Molla Khanali from Yukhari Mollu village, and decides to marry her. Hajar had a special place in Nabi's life and escape. So, Hajar, who is a very beautiful woman, is always next to Nabi on horseback, with a gun in her hand, without fearing anyone or anything. He lives with him in the mountains and valleys.
Although Nabi's start of smuggling was due to his uncompromising attitude towards social injustice, his repeated arrests gave Nabi a special impetus to become a smuggler. *** In the hot months, the community of Mollu village, like the rest of the population, moved to the plain. People go to Nakhchivan to buy necessary things before the meadow. On the way back, the caravan spends the night near a village. The people of that village attack the people of Mollu to rob them. One person dies in the shooting. Then there is peace between the two villages. However, since the case fell to the court, there is a trial in Nakhchivan. Nabi is confident that there is a reconciliation between them, there will probably be no quarrel, so he goes to court. Here they consider him guilty and arrest him. This is Nabi's first arrest. When Nabi, who is in Nakhchivan prison, is taken to Shusha fortress, he manages to escape on the way even though his arm is tied. The capture of Nabi for the second time is directly by the hands of Gubadli beys. Thus, when the Gubadli gentlemen wanted to divide the beds of the Mollu property among themselves, Nabi gathered his villagers together and conducted propaganda among them. Villagers chase the grooms. Beylar does not forgive this action to Nabi. Near the village of Mollu, a man from another village is killed by the brother of one of the Gubadli gentlemen. People of that village know it from Mollu village. The men who take advantage of this blame Nabi. Thus, they capture Nabi and throw him into the gazamat. But this time, Nabi can escape from Gorus' gazamat.
Nabi escapes from prison and gathers like-minded people around him. He says that the grooms made him a fugitive. Knowing that they will hurt his brother Mehdi after him, he takes him and leaves the village. At night, they took one horse each from Gubadli Mammadali bey's horse and one rifle from bailiff Aliaga bey's couch and went up to the mountains. Thus, Nabi's smuggling life began in 1875. *** Gachaq Nabi, who is an implacable enemy of nobles, tsar officials, as well as merchants and moneylenders, defends the interests of poor peasants, takes the wealth of landlords and distributes it to the poor. *** His protection of the interests of the masses and his extraordinary personal bravery earned Gachaq Nabi great fame. The people closely assisted Nabi's group, provided them with food, and hid them when needed. Nabi fought with the tsar's Cossacks for a long time, and when he was pressed, he moved to Iran and Turkey. The tsarist administration used all means to suppress this movement. Although the government sent police and Cossack squads against Gachaq Nabi, they could not capture him. By sending agents to Turkey and Iran, Nabi is continuously monitored.
Local authorities, including the Nachalniki of Zangezur District, Salim Bey Rustambayov, realized that they were powerless in a fight with Nabi and decided to use spies to create discord in his group. Salim Bey reveals his intentions to Nakhchivan Nachalniki Slavachinsky. The latter involved his son Mashadi Pasha Haji, who was from the Ordubad community of Nakhchivan and was engaged in trade in the city of Urmia, Iran. Mashadi Pasha captures Shah Huseyni and Karbalayi Iman from Bey Nabi's group and promises them great rewards. He often visits Nabi himself and is friendly to him. After some time, Mashadi Pasha invites Nabi to his house. On March 12, 1896, at 2 o'clock in the morning, while returning from a party, Shah Huseyn and Iman Nabi of Karbala were brought near the village of Larin, which is located on the border of Iran and Turkey. Here Shah Husayn hits Nabi from behind. Nabi dies right there.