
20 Oct 2022
Well let's go a little further. The intellect of each one of us will not fail to admit that no work in the world, be it small or great, can be done properly and regularly unless there is a single person responsible for it. Have we ever heard of having two principals in one school, two directors of one work department, two generals of one army, two rulers or kings of a state. In life's little barbie, we find that disorganization is where the responsibility for a task is assigned to more than one person. In the end, Barabhai's administration does not end without quarrels and quarrels. Wherever orderliness, regularity, regularity and excellence are found in the world, there must be one force at work. One has the task in hand. We cannot imagine order without this.

It is so simple that an intelligent person does not hesitate to admit it. Keeping this in mind, take a look around you. This vast creation spread before us, billions of planets roaming in the sky. See the earth on which we live, the moon that rises at night, the sun that rises each day, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the countless stars that move round and round. What strict discipline and regularity there is in all these excursions! Have you ever seen the night come before its time? Has the day ever dawned before its time? Has the moon ever collided with the earth? Has the sun ever left its path? Have we seen or heard of any other star ever leaving its orbit even for a moment? These billions of planets, some of which are millions of times larger than our Earth and some are thousands of times larger than the Sun.There are big ones, all like clockwork in a tremendous discipline

are chained. All of them at their own pace, according to a fixed calculation,

They are walking on their own fixed path. Even a mole difference in anyone's speed

It does not happen and no one can deviate from your path even for a moment, come

If there is a certain amount and distance between all of them, if only for a moment or

If there is even a slight difference, then the whole creation will not be disturbed.

Planets collide with each other just as fireballs collide with each other

will collide

These are things in the sky. Just look at our earth and ourselves. This entire play of life in this lump of clay that we are witnessing is based on certain rules. All objects are surrounded by the earth's gravity. Even if she let go of her grip for a moment, the whole world would be shattered. Everything that works in this world is governed by one law. That rule never changes. Twelve is following your rule. Water is bound by its own laws, obeying the same laws as light. The laws that are fixed for heat and cold are their slaves. Earth, stone, metal, electricity, steam, trees, animals do not try to transcend our limits or change our characteristics. No one dares to abandon the work entrusted to him. All are living within their own limits and following their own rules. All the machine parts of this global factory are working in harmony with each other.

What is happening in the world is happening only because all these things and all these forces are working together. Take the example of a tiny seed. This seed which we sow in the ground, unless all the powers of earth and heaven take part in its 'nurturing, that seed cannot grow into a tree. The earth feeds it from its treasures, the sun feeds it according to its needs. Whatever it wants from water, water gives it. That to the wind

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