Following your Own Path.

20 Feb 2023

Seraph! The kind of person who takes life by the horns and refuses to let go until she's satisfied. An absolute powerhouse, and living proof that following your dreams is the way to go.

Growing up, Seraph always felt pressured to conform to the norms of society. Seraph grew up in a family that valued stability and financial security above all else. She was told that success meant getting good grades, going to college, and getting a well-paying job. 

It was like society had a roadmap for her life, and she was just supposed to follow it blindly. And for a while, she went along with it. She did everything she was supposed to do but deep down, Seraph knew that something was missing. She yearned for something more - something that would fill her soul with purpose and meaning. 

So, she decided to take a chance and pursue her passion for writing. She knew it would be a long road ahead, but she was determined to make it work. She started by showing up every day and writing. She didn't have a loyal fan base or a following, but she kept at it. 

At first, it was tough. She struggled with writer's block and self-doubt. Some days, Seraph feels like her writing is terrible and she'll never be good enough. Other days, she wonders if she's wasting her time and should just stick to her day job. But she refused to give up. She showed up every day, no matter how tired or uninspired she felt. She knew that if she wanted to improve her writing, she had to put in the work.

But of course, no good thing comes without a little pushback. Seraph's parents were confused and concerned. But Seraph refused to be deterred. She had found her passion, and she wasn't going to let anyone hold her back. So, she kept writing. And writing. And writing.

And slowly but surely, her hard work started to pay off. She noticed that her writing was getting better. She was becoming more confident in her voice and her ability to tell a story. 

Now, Seraph's life is still a work in progress. She doesn't have a book deal or a podcast or a loyal fan base. But she's okay with that. She's determined to keep getting better. She shows up every day, puts in the work, and hopes for the best.

Seraph wakes up every day feeling grateful and inspired. She's doing what she loves, and she knows that her work is making a difference. She's not rich, but she's happy, and that's all that matters.

Seraph's story isn't over yet. She's still writing, still dreaming, and still hoping for the best. But no matter what happens, she knows that she's living life on her own terms, and that's a victory in and of itself.

The thing about societal expectations is that they can be suffocating. We're told from a young age that there's only one path to success and that deviating from that path is a surefire way to end up broke and alone. But the truth is that we're all different, and what works for one person might not work for another.

Seraph's journey is a reminder that it's never too late to follow your dreams. No matter how old you are, or how set in your ways you might feel, it's never too late to change your life. You can always reinvent yourself and pursue the things that make you truly happy.

I know that letting go of societal expectations can be scary. It can feel like you're jumping off a cliff with no safety net. But I promise you, there is something amazing waiting for you on the other side. So take that leap of faith, and see where your dreams take you.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is going to be a continuous series on the life of Seraph and how she has learned a lot on her journey to overcome her fears and become a better woman. Thanks for reading!

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