I mean

28 Oct 2022

Lana didn't employ somebody to complete designs for me. 
Having your life together was simple when you could hire the bullshit out. 
Hire, obtain, whatever you call it!!!
I replied as I huffed and puffed down the steps of my apartment carrying a full plastic laundry basket, cradling my phone between my ear and shoulder. 
I was sickened by the musty, stale smell of soiled socks and boxer shorts that followed me. 

These kids needed to learn how to do their own laundry, which I had to teach them. 

On the other end, Lana groaned, "Clearly you didn't, or you'd know what I was talking about." 
"The maverick art invitation.

Oh, that," I said, slamming the my fridge close with a tub of ice cream in the other hand,  and waking up Kiki, our chihuahua, who was once more dozing inside the cupboard. 

An invitation to a community art event was not particularly noteworthy. 
Although my old group of friends from those days didn't attend them every year, it was hosted by the estate every year. 

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