The Ultimate Form Of Crypto Wealth
Learn A Lesson From Hollywood
During your time online you have most likely stumbled across stories of once-famous celebrities who are now down and out. Stories that were once preceeded by glamour and riches, now speak of pain, loss, and overwhelming disappointment. In many of these cases, there is a common thread. A thread that acknowledges only money and power as wealth. However, these are only attributes oftentimes associated with wealth.
Strangely enough, these are merely second-generation fruits of wealth. To truly obtain and maintain wealth, one must gain ownership of the tree. You can have the fruits of a tree. However, depending on your particular needs, eventually, the fruit will be no more. Ultimately, this is what took place in the abovementioned scenario. Falling out of favor, for one or other reason, they lost access to the tree that once fed them.
Instead of planting and nourishing their own tree, they chose to rely on what was easily available. However, as with many famous, or influential persons, their time in the sun is limited. Simultaneously, this places limitations upon their ability to generate and maintain wealth. However, you will note that the majority of individuals in this particular position choose to live and spend as though nothing will ever change.
Why? Because they believe themselves to be wealthy. However, they are merely living under the shade of someone else’s wealth. Isolated from the owner of the tree, they have nothing and can do nothing to produce wealth, in and of themselves. Essentially they are impoverished individuals living under an illusion of wealth. If they were truly wealthy, they would simply continue generating wealth outside of their once-powerful partnership.
However, the true dynamic is exposed in such a predicament. It is now rather evident as to who holds the wealth, as well as the ability to increase it. When it comes to Crypto, many choose to rely on a bull market similarly as celebrities rely on their contracts, associations, and partnerships. In other words, outside of a bullish environment, they are essentially lost, and without any hope.
Invest In Yourself
Yes, the only true guarantee is to acquire skills, knowledge, and strategies that are not dependent on others, or market conditions. This can be a long and tiring journey. However, the rewards are unparalleled. It’s not only the aspect of independence but financial security. If your income is heavily reliant upon others, as well as market conditions, you are still running with the rats, to an extent.Although it beats the traditional rat race, it can be enhanced and improved upon. As I have mentioned before, being able to extract value from the market, is in many ways, the ultimate model. However, I would still choose not to rely entirely on a single approach or strategy. To once again draw attention to the superiority of this model, the following is an excerpt from an article published in August of this year:
A trader pleases nobody, gets paid by nobody, and monetizes nothing. He uses knowledge and skill to extract value from the market. He is not paid, he extracts value… a massive difference. Being paid always signifies pleasing someone or something, in terms of a person/persons, entity, or algorithm.
Experienced traders that are effective and can trade both long and short positions are essentially able to focus on such a model, while simultaneously providing support and backup in the form of alternative and additional income streams. This can be in the form of content creation, staking, and other passive income models. Once significant wealth is amassed, passive income is, of course, the income apex!
Final Thoughts
If you are leveraging Crypto as a way to enrich your life, you are on the right road. However, not choosing to utilize it as a way to create and generate ongoing income, and even wealth is somewhat of a disappointment, in my opinion. Essentially, this is the most incredible opportunity that currently exists within the Crypto space. It is sometimes difficult to entertain such a view, especially in a bear market.
However, it’s still very much a reality. Bull markets should enhance what you have built, not merely increase the value of your investments. This is the challenge, to build beyond financial increase. To build upon a foundation of knowledge, skills, and strategies that are even antifragile. In doing so, true wealth is established… and the money eventually follows, independently of market conditions and others.
First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.
This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.