The impact of hunger on our physical and mental well -being.

19 Mar 2024
My Psychologist Is Me: A Space to Learn, Grow and Heal From within.

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Since time immemorial, hunger has been a phenomenon that has shaped our lives in deep and complex ways. Although many people do not give the importance it deserves, hunger can have devastating effects on our physical and mental health. It is crucial to understand how this phenomenon affects our lives and how we can address it effectively.

The link between hunger and serotonin. Serotonin, known as the "happiness hormone", plays a crucial role in our mental health. When our serotonin levels decrease due to hunger, a whirlwind of uncontrollable emotions is triggered, including anxiety, stress, anger and sadness. It is essential to understand this link to properly handle our emotional states.

The effects of hunger on physical health. Prolonged hunger can have serious consequences for our physical health. They include:

  • Weight loss: When we do not consume enough food, our body uses fat and muscle reserves to obtain energy, which can lead to unwanted weight loss.

  • Fatigue and weakness: lack of nutrients can cause extreme fatigue and muscle weakness, making our daily activities difficult.

  • Concentration problems: hunger can hinder our ability to concentrate and make decisions, which affects our productivity and performance.

Strategies to handle hunger and its effects. It is essential to provide effective strategies to handle hunger and its effects. Some suggestions:

  • Balanced food: It consumes a balanced diet rich in nutrients is essential to maintain adequate serotonin levels and prevent the negative effects of hunger.

  • Coping strategies: Learning coping techniques such as meditation, deep breathing and exercise can help control the emotions triggered by hunger.

  • Finding professional help: if hunger is significantly affecting your physical or mental health, it is important to seek professional help from psychologists or therapists who can provide support and guidance.

Hunger is a crucial factor in our health, it is not simply the sensation of vacuum in the stomach, but a complex phenomenon that can have deep negative effects on our physical and mental well -being.

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