Protein For Vegetarian..

13 Aug 2022

These are 5 plant based protein things for vegetarians, include them in the diet today:

Plant based protein diet is very important for those who are vegetarian, let us know what is plant based protein food, what does the body get from protein, why eat protein.
Just as the body needs vitamins, proteins are also essential for health. Protein helps in repairing cells in the body and developing the body. Therefore, it is very important for us to take sufficient amount of it in our diet every day. Your daily protein intake also depends on your weight, gender, age and health .There are many sources of protein for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Today we will talk about plant-based protein things, which strengthens your immunity and strengthens your muscles.
If the amount of protein in your body is sufficient, then any bacteria, virus, fungal attack can be avoided. Your metabolism will be strong. In the rainy season, there are some plant-based things that boost immunity. For this, you can take plant-based protein because nutrients like Hyfolic Acid, Selenium, Zinc, Phyto Nutrients are also found in them. Apart from this, they are also a storehouse of fiber and carbohydrates. Plant-based protein is very important for those who take vegetarian diet.


Soy is rich in nutrients, soybean is a plant that contains all the nine essential amino acids i.e. they are complete proteins. Protein content is found in it with 36 percent to 56 percent dry weight. Apart from this, it is also an excellent source of folate, calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

white sesame:

Sesame seeds are rich in protein content. One teaspoon of sesame provides about 3 grams of protein. Consumption of soaked sesame helps in increasing the protein. It also controls the cholesterol level.

sprouted moong dal:

Moong dal is very beneficial in the same way, but if it is sprouted then you get double protein. This gives strength and keeps your metabolism fine. It contains fiber and vitamins, due to which the digestion process remains correct.


You get plenty of protein by eating gram, peanuts, green grains soaked in sprouts. The plants that emerge after soaking them are beneficial.

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