There's No Heaven

6 May 2024

1. In the silence, I hear no voice
No divine presence, no heavenly choice
Just the echoes of my own mind
A solitary soul, left behind

2. I search the skies, both day and night
For a glimpse of something, a shining light
But all I see is the dark of space
A vast emptiness, a lonely place

3. I look to science, for answers true
But find no evidence, of a God or two
Just the laws of nature, cold and gray
No divine intervention, come what may

4. I ponder morality, and the human heart
But find no proof, of a guiding start
Just the struggles, of a mortal race
No divine direction, to a sacred place

5. I see the suffering, the pain and the strife
And wonder how, a loving God could life
Allow such horrors, such cruel fate
No benevolent deity, participates

6. I hear the arguments, of the faithful few
But find no logic, in their point of view
Just a desperate hope, a wishful thought
No concrete evidence, is what I've sought

7. I see the beauty, of the natural world
But find no signature, of a divine whirl
Just the wonder, of evolution's might
No creative hand, in plain sight

8. I ponder the mysteries, of the universe vast
But find no answers, in a divine forecast
Just the secrets, of the cosmos deep
No revelation, in a sacred sleep

9. I see the diversity, of human belief
But find no unity, in a common relief
Just the divisions, of a fractured whole
No universal truth, to make us whole

10. I hear the claims, of a divine plan
But find no evidence, of a guiding hand
Just the randomness, of a chaotic land
No benevolent force, to hold our hand

11. I see the contradictions, in holy texts
And wonder how, a perfect God neglects
The flaws and errors, of a human mind
No divine inspiration, left behind

12. I ponder the concept, of an all-knowing God
But find no explanation, for the evil that's trod
Just the silence, of a deafening sound
No divine justice, to turn it around

13. I see the history, of a bloody past
And wonder how, a loving God could last
Allow such atrocities, such cruel design
No benevolent force, to make it right in time

14. I hear the promises, of a divine reward
But find no evidence, of a heavenly guard
Just the uncertainty, of a mortal fate
No afterlife, to compensate

15. I see the complexity, of the human brain
And wonder how, a divine spark could remain
Just the product, of a natural design
No divine intervention, to make us shine

16. I ponder the concept, of a personal God
But find no evidence, of a divine nod
Just the indifference, of a universe vast
No divine concern, for humanity at last

17. I see the beauty, of a sunset's glow
But find no signature, of a divine hand to know
Just the wonder, of a natural display
No creative force, to guide the way

18. I hear the claims, of a divine revelation
But find no proof, of a sacred foundation
Just the words, of a human mind
No divine inspiration, left behind

19. I see the diversity, of human experience
And wonder how, a divine plan could make sense
Of the contradictions, of a chaotic world
No universal truth, to unfurl

20. I ponder the idea, of a Godless world
And find a sense of freedom, unfurled
No divine authority, to dictate our way
Just the power, of a human day.

Please note that this poem expresses a personal perspective and is not meant to offend or challenge anyone's beliefs.

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