Rain before Sunshine

10 Jun 2023

When I was young, I once heard someone knock on my door.
I felt as though I had previously heard it.
I was surprised to see a young woman with blond hair and brown eyes when I opened the door.

"I have the answers; are you ready to play?" she remarked.
So I took my cash and nodded in agreement.
There were the solutions I had been looking for.
I bought a lot of liquids, pills, and powders.

Then, all of a sudden, my friend transformed.
Her features grew unkempt, calloused, and insane.
We sped across the town when she took hold of my hand.
My family and friends could only stand by and scowl.

She kept humming something, which I could only assume.
She appeared to be repeating "Yes, Yes, Yes."

How quickly something enjoyable may turn deadly.
How rapidly you can go from drinking one beer to using crystal meth.
Oh what a mess I imagined my family to be in, but all I could hear was yelling "Yes, Yes, Yes."

I had to get help because I was desperate.
My child, my family, and my friends were all gone.

"God, are you there?" I cried. Could you please assist me?
I suddenly felt at ease, and I knelt down.
God provided the solution to the puzzle that took me so long to figure out.
Why did my compulsion keep yelling, "Yes, Yes, Yes"

It's because I inquired day and night.
You do realize that this time will be different?

My words were, "God, I'm not worth it; I feel like a jerk."
He commanded, "Suit up and show up; it's time to go to work."

Eight months have passed since my last drink.
I've had time to reflect and consider.

I'm here to share this little rhyme with you as a result.
Day by day, life keeps getting better.
thus when you believe you are losing your mind.
After a rainy day, the sun will always come out.

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