7 Untold Reasons Why Writers must Publish More Writings.

5 Aug 2024

When I first started writing online years ago, I remembered clearly it took me a whole month to finish an article. The truth is that I was avoiding clicking "publish now" for the whole month.

I was afraid that its going to suck.
I was afraid of negative feedback.
I was embarrassed to put out my thoughts on the internet.
I was, afraid of everything.

Image by Amore Seymour from Pixabay

Contemplating between my fear and what I must do, I finally click the button. The whole ordeal may sound funny to you, but the fear could literally make me faint.

It was months on end without any views and clicks. My heart sank when the thought "It wasn't that good, so people don't care to even click it" came across my mind. The initial fear came crawling back like a ghost in every Asian Horror movies. It was that brutal.

Harsh Realizations

After long 6 months, that was filled with drafts, finally, a single view on my first writing pop out of nowhere with a comment left below the story saying "That was a great story! I wish you could write more of this, wishing you luck".

That 3 minutes reading through the person's short comment were the longest I have I ever experience in my writing journey. Probably because at that moment many things came into my thought. But one that sticks out like a sore thumb, it appears that my fear of embarrassment and negative feedbacks were pointless. I felt like a fool for not clicking the "Publish now" button when I was done with the story.

I was delaying my progress for nothing.

Many years after the first Published article.

Today, a negative feedback to my writing is a call to action for me - to fix my writing. And sometimes, you just have to understand that your writing is not for everyone. You can't possibly please everyone.

I learn along the way that an effective writing, addresses the readers. Making them the center of the attention and what's the writing is for. But, the most valuable lesson I learn how to write consistently is by writing to yourself. To your past, current and future self.

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-text-on-gray-background-261763/

This is where the advice "Journaling" comes from.

What will you teach yourself in the past, what will you tell yourself today, and what possible message you want to deliver to your future self. And then share it on writing platforms.

Despite the title, which pretty much explain itself, "Want to be a great writer? Then write more!", I wish to go a little bit deeper to the reasons of why writing more would actually help you. Well, if you want to be a writer that is.

Write more!

As someone who loves to read and learn, I developed an obsession to question everything. Even if the situation is "Self-explanatory". This is the first step to learning how to take better advice: Listening to Online advice ruins me

Honestly, thinking about "Self-explanatory" hinders the ability to read between the line. Two are not the same. The later, is a much more critical skill to have and is harder to learn in my opinion.

I often hear the advice to just simply write, but never the reasons. Even if they did explain it, it is often being brushed off as "It just make sense, isn't it? Then it does not need explanation".

This is where this writing comes in: -

You need reasons, motivations, clear and concise direction to why one needs to do something to better themselves. Asking writers to write, is like asking a fat person to run a marathon. "You need to run more!", without explaining WHY the person needs to.


The more you writings you publish, the better you understand what topics that pick reader's interest. You will come to understand what topics you both enjoyed writing and have real interest in. Nothing kills your writing journey faster than to write about something you don't enjoy yourself. You'll know that in due time, some of your interest are influenced by others instead of your own genuine interest.


As you write more, the more you understand that sometimes perfect grammar does not equal to more readers. To be blunt, perfect grammar will hinder you from writing authentically, and often take more time as you try to be perfect in every corner. Perfect grammar will devoid you of finding your own unique writing voice that fits right into the niche and topic you're writing about. So write as you would speak. Fast, witty, and perhaps humorous.


Practice makes perfect. Although perfect does not make any sense. In this case, writing more means more practice. The more you practice, you'll get to be more organize in your thoughts. Isn't that the point of writing? To organize your thoughts. Through that, you will be able to convey your message more efficiently. Being able to write constantly, while delivering the message at the same time is a difficult skill to master. I am still learning how to do it. Back to practice that is!


Writing industry and writing itself is an anti-fragile system. What I mean is that writing do well in normal times but thrives more in chaotic periods. The reason is simply because that during chaotic periods there are more things to write about. Writing is here to stay - and choosing to make a living through writing, ensures your future. Despite the challenges and the up and down of the earnings. Learning how to diversify your writing business is definitely something you want to invest your time and energy. The more you write, the more you integrate anti-fragile system into your life.


This is where it gets better - the more you write and publish, the more positive and negative feedbacks you get. While positive feedback reinforce your motivations and reasons, negative feedbacks help you become a better writer. Hence writing itself fits itself into Anti-fragile. For those that new to the term, Anti-fragile does not mean it resist breaks, but rather thrive under the pressure of breaking. The longer you are in writing, the more your writing becomes anti-fragile. That means, the better you will be in writing. You want more influence in your domain of expertise? Be a writer.


I should say publish more. The less writing you publish, the less idea you put out in the open. Chances that some of your ideas has already been written about without you knowing about it. That said, the more you write, the more ideas you'll put out. People may like your fresh ideas, and some will appreciate it. Writing and publishing more will increase your chance of being discovered. Although don't spam - or else you'll get banned for spammy behavior.


You will have an accurate and better metrics to your writing's performance. From there you'll learn how to write better titles, headings, hook line and more. You'll get better at selling your stories, because you are not only a writer, you are a brand.

The only to improve fast in writing, is to simply write more. Unless you are a genius. That's debatable. But for a average guy like me, the only way I could improve my writing fast, is by writing more. To read more. To Publish more.

Name of the game

There will be people who disagree with you and does not like what you have to say. Some will mock you out of their own insecurities. And that is fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. It's the internet anyway.

But, the good news is that both sides are your reader! And someone out there is interested in what you have to say. The more people read, love or hate what you write, the further your message spread across.

Everyone has their own reason why they wish to write. But whatever reason you may have, you would want your ideas to reach as many people as you can. And the only way you could do so is by writing better. And to write better, means to write more. No ifs and no buts.

Whatever reasons that you may have to publish more writing, it is also important to understand your reasoning. Not knowing your reasons, leads to unwanted destination.


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