Embracing Individual Journeys: Focus on Your Own Growth!

3 Oct 2024

Embracing Individual Journeys: The Power of Not Comparing Yourself to Others. Inspired by an article by @BEST

After reading the article on a similar topic as written by  on the need not to compare yourself with others, I couldnt help but put pen on paper to right from my own perspective as his views deeply resonates with mine. 

In today’s world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison. Social media bombards us with constant updates on people’s lives, careers, and achievements. It can feel like everyone around us is moving faster or achieving more. But the truth is, comparing yourself to others is a road to dissatisfaction. As the African proverb wisely says, "All fingers are not equal." This simple phrase holds a profound lesson about embracing our unique paths in life.

Just as our fingers serve different purposes and vary in size, so do our individual experiences and circumstances. Some may seem to have a head start, while others take time to find their way. The diversity of our journeys is what makes life rich and fulfilling. Understanding this removes the pressure to compare our progress with others.

Living Within Your Means: Cut Your Coat According to Your Size

Another powerful saying is, "Cut your coat according to your size." This is not just about financial prudence, but about understanding and accepting your limitations, needs, and goals. When you tailor your life to fit your unique situation, there’s no reason to compare it with someone else’s. Imagine trying to wear a coat meant for someone twice your size, it simply wouldn’t fit, no matter how appealing it may look. The same applies to our goals and life choices.
Image from tiktok

Take, for example, two friends starting businesses. One may secure investors early on and rapidly scale up, while the other might need to start small, building their venture brick by brick. If the second friend were to compare themselves to the first, they could feel inadequate. However, by recognizing their individual circumstances and "cutting their coat according to their size," they are able to find fulfillment and success on their own terms.

Building Slowly, But Surely: Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

Image from LinkedIn

The old adage "Rome wasn’t built in a day" is a reminder that lasting success takes time. Everyone’s timeline is different, and progress can’t always be rushed. Whether in careers, relationships, or personal growth, patience is key. One brick at a time, we lay the foundation for our future, and before we know it, our own version of "Rome" takes shape.

Consider the life of Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of KFC. He was rejected over 1,000 times before his chicken recipe was accepted. Sanders didn’t even begin to build his fast-food empire until he was in his 60s. His journey was a long one, but by staying committed to his path and understanding that great things take time, he eventually built a global brand. This story illustrates the importance of focusing on our own progress rather than getting caught up in others’ successes.

Be Yourself: What Will Be, Will Be

My mantra has always been simple: "Be yourself. What will be, will be." This principle has served me well throughout life’s ups and downs. Everyone has their own unique purpose, and it’s important to trust that your time will come. What is meant for you will not miss you, but you must remain true to your own path.

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Consider this analogy: Imagine 200 recruits joining the military on the same day. They all have the same start, but as time goes on, their paths diverge. Some may fall in battle, some will rise through the ranks, but only one can become the chief. Does that mean the others are less valuable? Certainly not. Every individual plays a role, and every journey has value. Life is much the same way, our individual experiences, failures, and successes are part of a bigger picture. There is no need to compare, because not everyone is meant to reach the same destination.

Conclusion: Focus on Your Own Growth

In a world that constantly pushes us to measure ourselves against others, it’s important to remember these wise lessons. "All fingers are not equal," and we each have our own strengths and purposes. Instead of comparing your journey to someone else’s, focus on building your life one step at a time, at your own pace.

What’s meant to be will come, and in the end, your unique story will be the one that matters. Just like the fingers on our hands, we’re all part of the same whole, each contributing in our own way, no matter how different our paths may look.

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