Evaluation of Main Problems in Prison
What is a Penitentiary Institution?
Penal institutions are institutions that contain concrete examples of the freedom-binding punishment aspect of legal sanctions, where people who cannot adapt to the physical integrity of individuals, and who cause violation of the physical integrity of individuals, and who tend to commit the crime again in such actions are placed for a certain amount of punishment.
Confining individuals involved in crime to penal instutions for a certain period of time and then releasing them does not mean that they have changed their behavior, have been reformed and are ready to adapt to society. The reformation of the individual is only possible through educational activities.
Education and improvement studies carried out in penal institutions apply a certain educational program to the individual , develop him/her and raise awareness against crime.
If the improvement aspect of prisons does not function properly , it does not seem possible for individuals involved in crime to achieve the mentioned gains.
In this respect , the issue of whether the educational programs carried out in penal institutions achieve their goals and how the officials who take an active role in the educational process evaluate the process is important for social welfare.
Our main topic: This research aims to reveal the professional promblems of prison teachers who are qualitified to be planners , guides and implementers of educational activities carried out in penal institutions and who take an active role in the improvement process , and from their perspective , whether the educational processes have reached the targeted dimensions, what the obstacles are in the process and whether the reformation levels of the convicts can be increased. İt aims to determine what can be done for.
Data was collected through scanning in order to fully document the current situation in the study and to obtain descriptive information. A personal information form aimed at determining socio-demographic characteristics and an interview form consisting of 16 structured open-ended questions that will lead to the solution of the research problem and the answer to the research problems were prepared as data collection tools.
113 of 380 teachers working in prisons participated in the study. The responses of prison teachers to variables such as age, gender, branch, professional experience, and the institution they work for were compared using frequency (F) and percentage (%) methods. Content analysis of the answers given to 16 open-ended questions was made, and frequency distributions around the necessary coding were tabulated. The findings were interpreted with the support of the literature.
It has been determined that the legislation determining the job descriptions of prison teachers is not clear, therefore they have to work with too much workload and they do not have authority commensurate with their responsibilities. It has been found that the institutional administrators and staff did not support and care enough about the educational activities, the physical conditions of the prison are not suitable for qualified educational activities and need to be improved, and especially the limited number of vocational studies can be done.
Expert's recommendation:It has been understood that the teachers think that the training activities being carried out have not reached the targeted level. The job description of the prison teaching profession should be reviewed by experts and only the duties appropriate to the teaching title should be defined and responsibilities should be assigned within this scope or the authority of the Chief should be recognized in the current conditions. Frequent informative activities should be carried out for prison managers and staff on the importance of education. It has been suggested that prison physical facilities should be made suitable for comprehensive and versatile educational activities and that vocational training should be emphasized.
Keywords: Prison Teaching, Penal Institution, Educational Studies, Vocational Training, Prisoner and Detainee
Vısıon: As a measure of respectful treatment of all persons deprived of their freedom, in accordance with human rights within the framework of the constitution, international and national laws;
First of all, in order to eliminate the capacity problem, Penal Institution projects that are modern, healthy, safe, mechanically and electronically equipped and suitable for rehabilitation procedures should be prepared and their construction should be completed, starting from the metropolitan cities.
During the realization of the physical infrastructure; In these penal institutions, care is taken to ensure that prison life is as close as possible to the positive aspects of general society life.
Some criminals who are released or released from prison are likely to re-offend. It is a known fact that they work. Although some released from prison Discussions about the deterrence of criminals and the deterrence of prisons Even if it provokes, some of the criminals in question may commit crimes again. All responsibility cannot be reduced to prison. Because former prisoners are reinstated In addition to the prison factor, there are other factors that cause people to commit crimes. plays a role. These factors; a) some personality traits carried by the criminal (psychological and psychiatric problems such as psychopathy, aggression, low intelligence), b) the criminal's career status in crime (whether the criminal is a notorious or chronic criminal) c) post-prison conditions (unemployment, labeling It is possible to briefly state it as exclusion, etc.
The effect of prison on crime is also considered as the basic assumption of the study. As mentioned, through the criminal subculture that the prison carries can be installed. In other words, the limited deterrent effect of incarceration is important. It is claimed that this is due to the criminogenic nature of the prison. drivable. The criminological structure of the prison is largely It is also closely related to the existence of criminal subcultures. Another one In other words, prisons both isolate individuals from society and Due to the prison subculture it contains, it is almost like a crime school for some criminals. It functions. Because the prisoners have some knowledge about the criminal world. They learn techniques, attitudes and values in prisons. This is learning process has a fundamental impact on the reinforcement of individuals' criminal structures. It can be said that there is. For this reason, those who work on subculture in prison Some researchers argue that prison subculture influences an individual's criminal tendencies. They draw attention to its effect on reinforcement. According to them, the prisoner has associated with the increasing level of commitment to the crime-subculture that is possibility of integrating or adapting to social life after release is decreasing. This situation causes some criminals released from prison to re-offend. can be effective in operations. At best, the prison subculture its existence or internalization has an impact on the reformation process of the criminal. It plays a blocking or neutralizing role.
One of the approaches put forward in certain periods within the framework of increasing the deterrence level of the prison on crime is the worsening of prison conditions. However, it is not possible to say that there is a general consensus among researchers on the subject. Although some researchers argue that perfecting prison conditions serves as a deterrent for criminals, some criminologists also state that prisoners being deprived of certain rights or having limited opportunities/disadvantages in prison should be seen as an element of deterrence in prison. In this context, the approaches put forward regarding the functions of prisons in developed western countries can be broadly considered in two different categories. There are approaches developed by liberals in the first category and conservatives in the second category. While liberals limit the function of prisons to rehabilitation, conservatives generally focus more on deterrence. Liberal approaches that advocate improving the conditions of the criminal in prison act from the premise that some socio-economic negativities (poverty, unemployment, family problems, social and economic frustration, some personality-related problems, etc.) are effective in the individual's becoming a criminal. For this reason, those who advocate this approach argue that individuals should be rehabilitated and acquire some vocational skills through rehabilitative programs in prison. Conservatives who argue that imprisonment is a deterrent to crime
To this end;
Efforts are made to ensure that the shelters provided to convicts and detainees respect human dignity and privacy as much as possible, and to protect health and personal cleanliness by taking into account climatic conditions, ventilation and lighting.
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