My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The CIA & The Bible agree on One Thing "We Can Go Mental"

25 Aug 2024

For those who follow my Sunday sessions, you know a little about my bigger-picture perceptions.

You know I am very open-minded while still being opinionated and hopefully respectful.
But I will not be silent and I don't mind being canceled for voicing out.

Having said that this week I was inspired by ancient texts and a very interesting CIA Investigation. Because when I say going mental, I mean:

Going Mental is an act that involves only thinking and not physical action.

(More About That In A Minute)
Now I have spoken a lot about being misguided by the Bible as it was rewritten so often to suit certain agendas and how the Dead Sea Scrolls which were way less manipulated sometimes gave a much more logical stance.

Today I will use both, and I will try to show how the Bible has left out many but not all references about everything being one.

But before I get there let´s put on our tinfoil hats and talk about the CIA´s Gateway Program
Just FYI a program contains multiple projects, but I will focus mainly on this intro of the official document today and the Mister Monroe mentioned:
This Monroe guy actually is pretty well known but I don´t care too much about that today, I care about this. He made this possible without any drugs.

Out Of Body Experiences - OBE

Robert Monroe used a combination of sound technology and specific meditation techniques to suppress the left side of the brain and facilitate out-of-body experiences (OBEs).
Why mess up only the left side, overly simplified because it is what makes us human?

How did he do that:

The brain tends to align its brainwave activity with the frequency of the binaural beat, a phenomenon known as the frequency following response. By carefully selecting the frequencies, Monroe's Hemi-Sync tapes could encourage brainwave states associated with relaxation, meditation, and even the states conducive to OBEs, such as theta and delta waves.

In normal tongue, Hemi-Sync turns the mind from its earthly light bulb stand, into a narrowly focused laser. This focused mindset allows you to see and understand what is beyond this earthly reality.

And while in the spirit realm what you think becomes reality, you can shape reality. That is what I meant by going mental.
This sounds Matrix or maybe God-like but it´s not. It´s just how the beyond works, but for a non-adapted human mind it does sound a hell of a lot like the Big Guys powers doesn't it?

I am such a broken record

I have been saying, that we are stuck here in this mortal coil for a reason, but also that there is a whole world outside of the flesh we obsess over so often.

And this guy Monroe thinks he found the gateway, well I will not break his bubble but that gateway was found and known for eons but it´s nice if a modern science guy confirms its existence.

One example comes from the indigenous peoples of the Americas, particularly those who have used psychoactive plants in spiritual and shamanic rituals. For instance, the use of ayahuasca among indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest has a long history.

Ayahuasca, a brew made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and other plants containing dimethyltryptamine (DMT), is used in ceremonial contexts to induce altered states of consciousness and spiritual experiences. These experiences often involve visions, encounters with spirits, and a sense of traveling outside of one's physical body.

What I do like is that his finding coming from a recognized source (I think I can call the CIA that) does help me to sound less out there when I say we are one with the universe.

It´s Hard To Grasp For Some

The thing is that those who believe in creation, and the creator, have a hard time bending their mind to understand that creation is a human concept.

That energy exists in all shapes and forms and does not need to be created out of thin air. It is there, it was there, and it will always be there, unlike humans.

But we humans are part of that never-ending energy, that constant vibe, that thing that some like to call the Absolute to label it. I prefer the Absolute label on my Vodka, but not on the entire universe in all shapes, forms, and dimensions.
So for those who see that absolutes and see us as part of it, see that energy creates, and moves from one form or shape into another, it feels like we are all one.

We are all the absolute....and then it happens...this can be used against you as that might sound like we are all god.

If You Don´t Get It God Did It

Now go back thousands of years before the Christian God was founded.
During those days people all over the world had many Gods.
Gods were used to explain the unexplainable.

God of Thunder, God of Love, God of Death, as long as we had a God to Blame and a God to Please we simple humans had a structure.
Now we have the CIA to explain what is hard to grasp.

And that CIA confirms through Monroe that the so-called spirit realm is real. And that they sent people into it, and that those people did not meet God but found themselves part of the Absolute without Vodka.

That might give people the idea to say:
"We are part of the Absolute, our energy is the Absolute, and therefore we are God." There is no proof for that, because God was never found in the spirit realm. It´s just that their minds cannot hold the mindboggling idea of the universe being everything and more your mind can conceive that the everything they encountered is moving, evolving, and connected in some way.

And if we want to explain something we can not, we call it God.
Just look at the below and see how the Bible and Monroe are practically saying the same thing;

We are created in God's image as we are part of the Absolute.
We share in God's love as we share the energy of the Absolute.
We live in his Kingdom as we live in this Universe, a place you can Label the Absolute if you like Vodka.

Absolutum est contradictio interminabilis

The absolute sounds like a contradiction as it is a symbiosis of unique everchanging energies together making up one constant. But the constant is the overarching whole, the entire cluster F of energy.

Made up of everchanging little energy atoms, you can call them souls, entities, spirits, beings, and even angels if it pleases you.

In human words you get born with a personality, not always the most likable one.
And then you die with your unique personality.

Over time hopefully, your personality changes so that when your energy leaves this world and becomes part of the One once again you are adding a new type of evolved energy to the constant.

A different more evolved energy than the one you were at birth.

This Thing Called Life

This transformation of energy in human terms is called life.
Now the fun thing is that I did not read this Monroe guy ever before but his words match what I have been saying based on let me call them my own experiences.

I have told so often about spirits and entities and how they love our world of flesh, lust, love, pain, and Vodka because theirs is so different.
They wish to return to the pleasures of the flesh, like many of us knowing or unknowingly long to return to their realm where the hardship of the flesh is non-existent.

Both realms our fleshy one and their mental one serve the same goal, to transform the energy within the constant.

So what is there on the other side?

This next piece is how Monro´s many visits to the realm could be summarized.

Across all three books, Monroe's depiction of the spirit realm is one of complexity and multidimensionality. He emphasizes the existence of various entities, both benevolent and neutral, and the presence of guides who assist in navigating these non-physical spaces. The spirit realm is a place of learning, energy exchange, and profound interconnectedness, where souls undergo continuous growth and evolution.

Darn dude, that is what I have been saying all along.

The thing is when I learned this they did not tell me about Monroe and as the internet did not exist yet I am quite sure they did not Google or GPTed it.

That is what I like so much about the modern age, it gives me tools that prove that the lessons I was taught might not be BS.

I like to bring up this little example about how they told me by accident or on purpose about that diamond planet years before it was first discovered.

Those kinds of tips, where they told me just a bit too much are creating those Eureka moments where you go, Hell Yeah This Shit Might Actual Be Real.

Okay back to the storyboard

So we have established that it's very well possible that there is a spirit realm and that we are all connected within the Absolute.
Now this, of course, is a scary concept to some of the powers that be.
So what do they offer to counter this?

Well, I found some wonderful things in the Good Book, and even better things in those Dead Sea Scrolls that will blow your mind and make you go mental.

But I already wasted at least 10 precious minutes of your physical life and that´s enough for one week.

Piece of Advice

If you are a frequent visitor, you might have seen some flashes of light pass by in previous posts already. If not here´s a chance to freshen up before we deep dive next week.

I would suggest taking a look at Marry, Sins, & Part 2 of John´s dirty little secret book.

Thank Godness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

Previous Sunday School Sessions

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Ladies of Revelation

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Bad Boys from Revelations

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - He That Goes By Many Names

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - A Book That Was Left Out Of The Bible

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle)

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle) Part 2 (The Apple)

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Funny Looking Angels

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Thomas Told US Not To Look But To See

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Hail Mary The Harlot

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Let´sTalk About Sin Baby"

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Know Thy Enemy (What´s The Satanic Bible Really About)"

All Images By MyI and AI

Disclaimer One: The texts I use for these sessions are real, although like many scholars my ignorance and arrogance might cause me to misinterpret things, or explain things from my limited perspective. I therefore appreciate all critical feedback.
Disclaimer Two: I think everyone has a right to believe, and a right to disagree. I try to take a light philosophical approach and add some humor. If you're offended please check yourself, because being offended by something written by a simpleton as WhyWhy is a signal that you might have bigger issues.

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