BlackRock´s Bitcoin ETF are up for review by the SEC

20 Jul 2023

And just as we finished the chapter about BlackRock having no regard for customers' privacy. We start a new one. This one is rather exciting tho. As it possibly could mean that this story will come to an end.

BlackRock´s ETF getting reviewed

The SEC has a special way of doing things. And it is not one that I have come across before. Well not in this incarnation at least. And what I am talking about is this. When something gets put up for review by the SEC it also opens up a 21-day period where you, yes you. The public can comment on that particular item. I have no idea whether that will sway them in any way or not. But at least it is a way for the public to be heard in what looks like an official way. By the looks of things, there is a bit over two weeks left of this review period where the public can let their voices be heard.

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If you would like to comment on it, no idea if it is open to non-US citizens or not. But if you're up to it you might as well give them your 2 cents. You will find the item to comment on here. And the item you want to be commenting on is this one: SR-CboeBZX-2023-044. And if you do plan on sharing your two cents with them please keep it civil.

This however also means that there now is a clock on whether BlackRock will get approved or not. But I guess that with the clarification of who their partner was, despite the SEC currently suing Coinbase. I really only see one thing that could pose an issue for BlackRock. And that is the fact that at least one other ETF also made the same agreement with Coinbase to make them surveil all the transactions. And I think the SEC can have issues with that. I think they rather would have seen each ETF have a separate transaction surveyor.

But then again, the SEC might have a ton of other things they do not like about the application. I mean they have literally denied every previous application for a few years. Even to the point that they currently are being sued themselves for doing so.

But I would love to hear what you think, will the SEC approve BlackRock´s ETF application? And will they also approve the other ETF applications? Please share your thoughts on this in the comment section below.

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Picture provided by: Fair use


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