Apillon platform Web3 confirmed $NCTR Airdrop rewards
In light of the upcoming Apillon TGE, all active platform users will be rewarded with free $NCTR tokens of appreciation.
How to receive free $NCTR tokens?
Join HERE : https://app.apillon.io
- Register on the Apillon platform here.
- On the platform dashboard, enter the $NCTR Airdrop section.
- Connect your Astar wallet using MetaMask or Coinbase wallet.
- Wait for the Apillon Token generation event (TGE).
- Claim $NCTR to your connected Astar wallet after Apillon TGE.
- Galxe https://galxe.com/S4ZpN4DpiFKgRYdGnShqQC
How to receive more $NCTR tokens?
on the dasboard you can see some task, and completed that. DONE.
Join HERE : https://app.apillon.io
Before completed the TASK, Please join their discord use my invite link.
⑴ Completed all registration step and make project
Enter your project name, as your favorite or up to what u want, and going to ENTER $NCTR AIRDROP
NEXT STEP, Connect your wallet, that important cause use for receive NCRT Tokes on the future.
Oke, we go to on first job to get Reward… follow stop by step.
⑵ Starting to Get Reward NCRT Token
📌 Create Web3 STORAGE
Create a new bucket and get immediate access to web3 storage?
New storage bucket, at Bucket name add your Bucket name.
📌 Make An file JPG and Index.html
make a file jpg and rename to “1.jpg” next you need 1 more file. open notepad create black document and SAVE AS html and than rename your html file to “Index.html”Wait finish, that may be need a few minutes for verification, if completed following next step.
Click on tab menu, you need publish your file. next create an new IPNS.
Waiting all completed, you will get notice if you IPNS have done publish !! and we are going to next step.
📌 Enable Web3 HOSTING
First we need prepare the file of index.html , you already make it if you following step by step this tutorial.
Drag & Drop index.html to page files folder. and waiting completed, click Refresh at menu to update status, dont refresh your page.
After completed, status will change to “UPLOAD COMPLETED”, you can click Deploy to staging and select that.
Procceed you step with website deployment, dont select upgrade. its may need a 10 credits using your free credit. just click PROCCED. and waiting Completed.. DONE.
📌 Make an NTFs
Completed this step, you will get 10 NCRT token.
- Download the file CSV example, that the best way.
- Select your CSV download file
Dont change everything at CSV FILE from your download, just upload default.
- Metadata attributes select all
- and select String.
Select the images file with jpg format, remember on the our before step.
Add the Nfts Name, symbol, and where the chain publish.
Just following my step, that the easy step by step. after proceed may be need your free 500 credit. its ok. that still free!! DONE.
📌 Create Social Hub
Grill chat, this is also for free token reward. following step by step.
Create an new hub that need a 100 credits, just procced.
Wait for a moment, if your application active, click view. always click Refresh on the menu.
On next, you will see Hub UUID. click Refresh and than New Channel. if still unable repeat this step.
At new Channel, add the channel title and channel content. to make create of new channel only need cost 10 credits that will using your free credit.
⑶ Back To Project overview and Enter the NCTR Airdrop.
Congrats, you completed all task and you still have any point for next task later.
If you need more NCTR token, you need have any referral. i have solution about that. first you send your referral link to your referral, and send this link tutorial for your friend.
⑷ Setting and Linked your Account.
First join this their DC before you setting and linked your account https://discord.gg/e7jXW5Ng
Remember to many developers now have reason for elig your wallet. just completed this step my recomended.