American pyscho in short
American Psycho is a novel by Bret Easton Ellis, published in 1991. The story follows the life of Patrick Bateman, a wealthy and successful young man living in New York City during the late 1980s. Bateman is a Wall Street investment banker, but he is also a serial killer who is driven by a desire to be the best and most successful in everything he does, including murder.
The novel explores themes of materialism, consumerism, and the emptiness of the American Dream. Bateman is consumed by his obsession with material possessions and status symbols, but ultimately finds them to be unfulfilling. He also struggles with his own identity and his own sanity, as he begins to question whether his murders are real or just a figment of his imagination.
One of the main themes of the novel is the superficiality of the yuppie culture of the 1980s. Bateman is a product of this culture, and his obsession with material possessions and status symbols is a reflection of the values of the society in which he lives. He is constantly comparing himself to others and is always looking for ways to outdo them, whether it's by buying the latest designer clothing or by committing more gruesome murders.
Another theme of the novel is the emptiness of the American Dream. Bateman has achieved everything that society tells him he should want - wealth, success, and power - but he finds that these things do not bring him happiness or fulfillment. He is haunted by a sense of emptiness and a lack of purpose, and he turns to murder as a way to fill this void.
The novel also explores the idea of identity and the self. Bateman is a character who is deeply conflicted and has a fragmented sense of self. He struggles with his own identity, and his murders are a reflection of this inner turmoil. He is also unable to connect with others emotionally, which further contributes to his sense of isolation and alienation.
The novel is also known for its graphic and violent content. The murders depicted in the novel are brutal and disturbing, and they are used to shock and disturb the reader. The violence is used to underscore the themes of the novel and to comment on the society in which the story takes place.
One of the most striking elements of American Psycho is the character of Patrick Bateman himself. He's a complicated and contradictory character, who is both likable and detestable. He's a man who is deeply flawed and has a dark side, but he also has moments of vulnerability and humanity. He's a man who is both a product of his society and a critique of it.
The novel was controversial when it was first published, and it continues to be a source of debate and discussion. Some have praised it for its biting social commentary and its exploration of the dark side of human nature, while others have criticized it for its graphic violence and its portrayal of women.
The movie adaptation of American Psycho directed by Mary Harron, released in 2000, also received a lot of attention and criticism. Starring Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman, the film received positive reviews for its dark comedic elements, dark satire and Bale's portrayal of Bateman. The film also sparked controversy for its graphic violence and its portrayal of women.
In conclusion, American Psycho is a novel that explores themes of materialism, consumerism, and the emptiness of the American Dream through the character of Patrick Bateman, a wealthy and successful young man who is also a serial killer. The novel is a commentary on the superficiality of the yuppie culture of the 1980s, and it also explores the idea of identity and the self. It is a dark and disturbing novel that has sparked a lot of debate and discussion. The film adaptation also received a lot of attention and praise for its dark comedic elements, dark satire and Bale's portrayal of Bateman. The novel and film adaptation continues to be studied and debated, as it delves into the psyche of a serial killer, and critiques the society that creates such a person. It also raises questions about the nature of violence and the role it plays in our society, and the impact of consumerism and materialism on our lives. American Psycho is a complex and thought-provoking work that continues to resonate with audiences today.