My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Will We Surpass Our Creator
I took last Sunday off for the first time in a year, I studied my sins and thought about going in a new direction.
There is a need for a new direction. I think I made my point these last couple of weeks that it is very likely that the Book of Genesis borrowed its stories from the Sumerians & Anunnaki.
And that they replaced Anunnaki with Elohim.
Last week I even explained why they might have done so:
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Creation Story of Adam vs the Creation of Adamu
Taking It One Step Further
I explained that the Elohim, the word for God in the oldest version of the Bible is plural and means the powerful ones. These were likely visitors who created mankind to do their bidding.
And as I explained in another article:
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Why Noah's Flood Changed Everything
At some point, they were done with their humans and wanted to get rid of the whole Project Humanity.
They wanted to cleanse the world from humans and move on because we were nothing more than a tool to those visitors. Or at least to their leaders.
Now let me go one step beyond, if the Elohim is the basis for God in Genesis what kind of God would that be?
A God that created mankind for its pleasure, did not care of its needs, and wanted to drown them when they became a burden.
That is how it would look if you turned the Anunnaki into God. That God sounds nothing like the God I heard about as a kid. The God of love, who has a house with a place for everyone.
Schizo God Experience
Our visitors treated humans as their tools, we were made to serve them no questions asked and that sounds very much like the God in the Old Testament.
The God that does not allow any other Gods.
The God that does not allow to be questioned
The God whose bidding needs to be done to elude his wrath.
That Totalitarian God was a very useful image for many power-hungry so-called religious leaders, who found ways to use the word of God against humanity. But also in the households it allowed for the head of the house to follow the godlike example, and act as a despot making his family suffer.
They all used the Elohim´s behavior to authorize their behavior, because they were doing God's will. Except when that God was a false God.
Except when the powerful ones from the sky came here, created Humankind, and oppressed her.
The Anunnaki played with DNA to create Humanity so what if Humans were engineered to worship these totalitarian Gods? What if the Anunnaki drowned the planet at least once because mankind exposed them and they lost their absolute power?
What Makes A God?
When we were created there was nothing, and those sky people who played with our DNA, flew around, made bushes burn, and created us in their image were so advanced we thought they must be Gods.
I mean let´s take the example of Yahweh and Moses and the Kbud (pronounced Kavod) in Exodus.
After a few days of talking Moses asks Yahweh to show him his big thing, his Kbud. Kbud should be translated as a big heavy thing. Over time it was translated as God's Glory.
Now what would be a big heavy thing? A heavy thing that would also be the glory of an arrogant species, I know that if you ask an average man to show you his pride, his glory, he will not unbutton his pants. His big heavy thing could be his wife, but as it's his glory I would go with a car.
Now earth in those days did not have any roads, so the car should be a flying thing. Flying things as I wrote before are often mentioned in the Bible and sometimes very well described, if you remember my wheels inside wheels story.
In the Book of Genesis, the Hebrew word "ruach" (ר֫וּחַ) is commonly translated as "spirit," "wind," or "breath."
Translations over time suck, but in Genesis, it says "The Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." Now let go of the grey-bearded fellow and think Anunnaki, think a man-like being floating above the water, creating wind.Would we not think that the device they use is part of them, bigger than them, their spirit maybe?
Because why would we be so impressed by the spirit of an old guy that we can not look in the face hovering above water while he created the universe?
That floating Rauch sounds a lot like some modern devices like this one:
But Back to Moses for details:
Exodus 33:18-23
Moses’ Request to See God’s Glory:
God's response in Exodus 33:19-20:
He will make all His goodness pass before Moses. However, God also states, "But you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live."
This is a bit weird, as Moses and Jaweh have been talking face-to-face for days at this point. But I think I know what Yahweh is saying here, I will explain in a minute.
In Exodus 33:21-23, God tells Moses that there is a place near Him in a cleft in the rock where Moses can stand when God's glory passes by. The rock and Gods hand will protect him until He has passed by. Then, God will remove His hand, and Moses will see His back, but His face must not be seen.
Now how meticulous or how sloppy has this translation gotten over time, it has been proven over and over again that the translations done in the past have been done in a way to serve the ones in power.
That is probably why some things are plain weird.
- Why can Moses not see Yawehs face after talking face to face, and only see his glory from behind?
- Why would seeing his big thing from the front be so deadly?
- What is this hand that he puts on Moses his eyes to temporarily blind him?
That Kbud, that big heavy thing Jaweh is so proud of sounds a hell of a lot like a rocket to me. And to launch a rocket it makes sense that Moses needs to hide the rocks wearing the hand of God, a super set of sunglasses protecting his eyes from the launch.He could not look at the launch from nearby as it would kill him, just like today people nearest the launchpad need to hide away from the launch behind thick concrete.
Just skip to 11 minutes in the vid and she will say that even from this distance it´s blinding.
And we can only look at that Glory from Behind.
We Are Our Creator
Personally, I am always very much taken by those stories where the student surpasses their teacher. Which in this case would mean the day that humans become gods, or at least the equivalent of an Anunnaki or Elohim.
To be very honest that day does not seem so far away:
We just witnessed two God Like moves that nowadays we can mirror. Over time we managed to become more and more like the sky people that seem to have left this planet to its own devices and crept out the back door.
Of course, we have no clue how much they evolved since, and how long they have been gone in their time and space reality. But what we do know is that the acts that gave them the God status nowadays seem a lot less divine than they'd did back then.
Just a few of their tricks:
- Genetic Manipulation
- Construction of Large Structures
- Building Flying/Hoovering crafts
- Building Spacecrafts (for which you need to hide)
- Causing floods
- Predicting floods & Eruptions
Back to the Beginning
What if the totalitarian God in Genesis is really based on these visitors and what if we were engineered to love Totalitarian Leaders?
Just look at the world of today.
Many humans are still in the: Worship the one that you fear most mindset.
Take the Iron Lady, Hitler, Trump, Putin, Zelensky, Mao, Poll Pot, and Charles Manson. Those are just a few of the more recent names.
Our history is filled with violent leaders. Look back and tell me how many peace love, and happiness leaders did we have? None, because we kill them before they get in power Lennon, Jesus, and Martin Luther.
The ones that got away were the Daia Lama and Mother Theresa, but did they not try everything to silence him?
And did they have a similar influence on the world as Stalin, or Mussolini?
Did they run a country, have an army, or did they only have words?
Isn´t that just weird?
Now imagine, history repeating.
Humans going where no man has gone before and transferring our Godly powers to a new underdeveloped group of beings. Will we then do better than our creator? Would they be taught the ways of Lennon, or the ways of Netanyahu?
Thank Godness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!
Previous Sunday School Sessions
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Ladies of Revelation
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Bad Boys from Revelations
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - He That Goes By Many Names
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - A Book That Was Left Out Of The Bible
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle)
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle) Part 2 (The Apple)
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Funny Looking Angels
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Thomas Told US Not To Look But To See
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Hail Mary The Harlot
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Let´sTalk About Sin Baby"
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Know Thy Enemy (What´s The Satanic Bible Really About)"
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "The 20 Commandments from the Satanic Bible"
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The CIA & The Bible agree on One Thing "We Can Go Mental"
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Out Of Body Experiences happened in the Bible & Dead Sea Scrolls
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Maybe Darwin & The Bible Were Right?
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - What Kinda Gods Fall From The Sky?
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Did You Know The Bible told us to be vegetarian first and later
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Why Noah's Flood Changed Everything
- My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Creation Story of Adam vs the Creation of Adamu
All Images By MyI and AI
Disclaimer One: The texts I use for these sessions are real, although like many scholars my ignorance and arrogance might cause me to misinterpret things, or explain things from my limited perspective. I therefore appreciate all critical feedback.
Disclaimer Two: I think everyone has a right to believe, and a right to disagree. I try to take a light philosophical approach and add some humor. If you're offended please check yourself, because being offended by something written by a simpleton as WhyWhy is a signal that you might have bigger issues.