Decentralized Email 101

23 Jan 2023

Design by D3Damon

Email remains one of the most widely used communication tools today but has recently been the subject of some scrutiny concerning its security and privacy.

The concept of decentralized email has become increasingly popular as a way to increase user control over their digital information. This is part of the web3 movement, which focuses on creating applications and infrastructure owned and controlled by users, not centralized companies.

This article will explore decentralized email, how it works, and its advantages over traditional centralized services.

How Email Works?

Email is a popular form of communication used by billions of people worldwide.

It's an efficient, easy-to-use, and convenient method of sending messages from one user to another. But how does email work?

Email works by using an SMTP protocol (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). This is used to send messages from the sender's computer to the recipient's server, then transfer through their network before being delivered directly into their inbox.

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When you click 'send' on your email client, it starts working with SMTP to transmit the message across various servers until it reaches its destination.

To ensure emails are sent securely, servers may require passwords or two-factor authentication.

Once received, the recipient can read and respond using their email client similarly - i.e.

Decentralized Email

Decentralized email is a new concept in the digital world that has become increasingly popular over the past few years.

It is part of the larger web3 ecosystem, allowing users to send and receive emails without relying on a central data store or service provider such as Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook.

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Instead, decentralized email utilizes distributed blockchain technology to transmit messages between two parties securely.

Using decentralized technology gives users more control over their data than ever before, as they own their data instead of giving it to centralized services.

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Additionally, no single entity can take down or access users' emails since all communications are stored across multiple nodes on a network rather than one centralized server.

Decentralization increases security as each transaction is tracked and audited by other nodes within the network for accuracy and transparency.

Centralized Vs. Decentralized Email

To understand the differences between centralized and decentralized email, it is the right thing to first look at how they are used today.

Centralized email is a service that stores all emails on a single server controlled by a third-party provider, such as Google or Microsoft.

This makes it easier for users to access their messages from anywhere and also allows for fast delivery speed.

On the other hand, decentralized email offers higher levels of security and privacy since data is stored across multiple servers on a distributed network rather than in one centralized location.

Decentralizing email also means there's no need for third-party providers, as individual users can host their emails and manage them independently without relying on external services or companies.

It works by utilizing blockchain-based infrastructure instead of a central server, allowing users to control their data and communications more securely.

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This gives users greater control over their messages since they are stored in a distributed ledger instead of one central server, making them less vulnerable to hacks and data breaches.

Decentralized email offers better encryption options than traditional email services due to its use of public-key cryptography.

This makes it harder for third parties to gain access to sensitive information or hack into an account without permission from the user.

Challenges For Adoption

The rise of decentralized technologies has disrupted how individuals interact, and businesses operate across the web.

Adopting decentralized emails could bring a more secure, private, and universal form of communication to those interested in taking advantage of the technology.

However, these same features can also create challenges regarding adoption.

First, the most significant challenge lies in user education - many people are still unfamiliar with how decentralized technologies work, making it difficult for them to get up and running.

Next, some decentralized email requires users to set up their nodes and manage their data. Again, this can be difficult for less tech-savvy users who may not know how to configure the node and secure their data.

Also, many decentralized solutions are still in development, which means they have limited features and lack interoperability with other services.

This limits the ability for users to send emails across different platforms or interact with existing email users with providers like Gmail or Outlook.

Decentralization also presents scalability concerns as resources are distributed among nodes instead of stored in one central server.

Web3 Email Services

An email is a vital tool in our daily lives, but it's also vulnerable to hacks and data breaches. Decentralized email applications provide users with secure alternatives to traditional email applications.

For those looking for an alternative to Gmail or Outlook, web3 email services provide features like end-to-end encryption, distributed storage, and immutability.

I will share some of the most popular ones: Tildamail, Mailchain, Ledgermail, Dmail, Ethermail, Skiff, and Telios.

  • Tildamail is an open-source encrypted email platform that gives users total privacy and control over their emails. It utilizes end-to-end encryption for private conversations without the need for third-party servers. It also offers complete protection from spam and phishing attacks.

  • Mailchain enables users to send emails securely using blockchain technology. The platform uses cryptographic signatures to ensure that only the intended recipient can access the messages sent through Mailchain. It also allows users to store their emails safely on the blockchain while maintaining complete control over their data privacy.

  • Ledgermail provides an end-to-end encrypted solution for users who want to keep their data safe from hackers or government snooping. It uses smart contracts for authentication so that each message remains private until it reaches its intended destination.

  • Dmail is an end-to-end encrypted email provider that works on any web browser or mobile device. It offers advanced encryption and secure data storage so users can be sure that their emails are safe from prying eyes.

  • Ethermail is a fully encrypted end-to-end email service that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. It offers users greater control over their data by allowing them to store messages and attachments securely on an off-chain server. The service also provides advanced privacy controls such as selective message encryption, self-destructing emails, two-factor authentication, and more.

  • Skiff is built on top of Ethereum blockchain technology and provides its users complete privacy and security for all their emails. Furthermore, it is free from censorship or interference by any third party, making it an ideal option for those who value freedom of expression. Skiff also employs end-to-end encryption to keep messages secure at all times.

  • is a decentralized web3 email cloud storage platform that puts your data security front and center. Their revolutionary email service utilizes encrypted metadata and gives users full control over their encryption keys, meaning Telios cannot access any of the user's emails or information stored within.

Final Thought

With increased security, more control for users, and an open platform, many are turning to decentralized email as an alternative to traditional services.

We can now see Decentralized email offers privacy and flexibility that can no longer be found in current services. By taking advantage of existing technology and providing a better user experience, decentralized email is here to stay.

To ensure your emails remain secure and private, probably it's time to consider switching to a decentralized email provider.

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