21 Aug 2024

This picture depicts a lady posing for the camera. And the good cameraman is shown to be set in position like a diligent hunter, about to shoot to kill.

The first thing I love about this picture is the illustration it communicates. It shows the making process of photography but from my perspective, I relate it to the process of getting something done; working your hands to achieve something, a goal, an objective; trials and errors; shooting for goal and goals, you name it.

The second thing I derived and love about this illustration,is hope. The hope that the efforts invested will yield something qualitative or at least, contribute towards achieving same. Who knows how many attempts were made before getting this beautiful shot? Who knows how many different poses were tried before this one was conceived?

The beautiful lady in this picture is sister Hope Akachi Chijioke and she inspires me. But that is a story for another day.

Start or keep making attempts at achieving qualitative goals and hold on to HOPE. The hope that our efforts will pay and not be in vain.

Hope is beautiful.

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