Problems we faced during Covid-19.

27 May 2022

Covid full name [ CORONA VIRUS DISEASE 2019 ] has changed our life in different ways i going to elaborate below.

1- Before covid 19 pandemic we didn't wear mask or we wear mask occasionally but after covid 19 we always wear mask when we go out from our home(Except some countries)

2- Before covid 19 pandemic we didn't wash our hand regularly after touching someone or something outside. But now when we came back to home we properly wash our hands.

3- Covid took so many innocent lives. We will miss them always no matter what but no one can fill that empty place.

4- Lockdown is a word that we got to know during covid 19 before covid 19 we didn't know what is Lockdown. But during covid we lock ourself into our houses.

That are the some things that we faced during covid and some facing till now.

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