Bulb Meme Time November.
There are lot of medium to convey a massage like text , voice, video, talking in signs etc. Creating a Cartoon remain a famous way to display particular message in polite way in newspapers and Magazines. Then digital world took a rise and crypto gets roots in social media as well as in financial markets. New trigonometry boundaries born with it and Meme becomes famous iconic symbol to display any messages.
Memes are most modern way to convey some message, describe a situation without lot of words, emotions and feelings for certain thing/ time / place. Meme is powerful tool in digital social media to hang the Thing on wall which may difficult to say.
I created three Memes today for bulb community with different themes.
1. No mercy for spammers on bulb
Spamming is crime in authentic content writing/ blogging sites. The admins have strong regulations about it and they never show any mercy to those who falls in spamming. I found big moderation team here on bulb which are active and keeps hawks eye on each post , comment and reaction. Any one can report any article/ comment for plagiarism issue, copy/ paste, irrelevant ot too short comments and if a moderator gives vote in favour of report then original users will loose all bulb points which he earned on that act. So above meme presenting the situation where bulb Moderator, bulb team picking up a spammer to throw him out from bulb community.
2. Vision of our Life.
Each one of us doing fantastic job for survival of his family, siblings and own self. The above meme has a specific lesson that yes live your life for yourself but don't forget your friends, family and circle around. Do your best to uplift them and what you learn from your experience ( even paid ones also) , try to teach at least one person / weekly and convenience him to be part of this prestigious community of bulb. Do your part to empower others and show them light of learning. Let bring friends and family on bulb.
On my part I bring 4 of my circle friends to Bulb within last three weeks and successfully they are well engaging here.
3. Winner of first writing competition.
Bulb official announced in his previous post about first writing competition with subject of " what solana's Do To. Earn ecosystem will look like a year from now". Lot of great articles published under this competition and bulbers took part in it so aggressively. Top four selected by bulb team and final 🏆 winner has been choosed through community voting on X. ( it shows that how open , fair and base on Justice system adopted for selection of winner) , The great @CapitalThink honoured by winning award. The above Meme showing the scenario where bulb admin wearing the winning medal 🏅 to CapitalThink. Heart warmth congratulations to the winner.
That's all for this edition of Memes. Hope you like my creativity. Thumb up to wow and leave comments for feedback.