Our expression☺️

4 May 2023

The universal way of greeting is to shake hands. The origin of this method can be traced back to the time of the island primitive man. Man used to live in valleys, jungles, caves. When language etc. had not yet originated, my hands were empty. As I have no weapon, one primordial began to show his hands to the other primordial to express that he should not be afraid of an attack from me, the other primordial began to feel it in his hand to make sure it was empty. Then that custom fell. It is there that today's form of 'shake hand' is considered as a form of greeting.

A smile that reveals personality:

Another common form of greeting is to smile. A smile is a major attractive part of anyone's personality. Even people with very unattractive or ordinary complexions and personalities can have an incredibly impressive, seductive voice when they smile. Many actors in the world of theater and cinema are loved by thousands of fans because of their smile. A smile can be sweet. Can be wounding, very warm and dense. Just without uttering any words or relying on sound cues A person can express affection, love, gratitude, belongingness, respect, humility, closeness, affection, intimacy, agreement, favorable feedback, many emotions and messages through smile. Similarly, through this same smile, he can mock, insult, disagree, make fun of you. That is, both positive and negative communication can cause a smile. However, a smile is often more associated with positive, joyful, emotions, we long for a glance and a smile from our loved one, we realize in practice that! The smile of 'Monalisa' is world famous. Enthusiasts still seek the meaning of the famous painter Leonardo da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa' smile! Smiles often also convey a feeling of 'narrow wa kunjrova' and make the viewer cringe. knock down A lover's smile is always heart-pounding for her lover. Often times the poor person is bewildered. Much has been written about the beauty of a smile in all languages. There is also a lot of poetry on it in Urdu language.

Since smiling generally conveys positive emotions, it is a universal way of greeting. Receptionists and flight attendants are only given 'training' to smile. Of course, with that training, these girls can always smile; But the beauty of a naturally blooming smile is something else. There are many shades of smile depending on who is the person smiling and what is their relationship with you. For example, there is definitely a difference in emotion between the smile of a mother looking at her child and the smile of a lover. He knows. Along with the handshake and smile, there are also ways of greeting through physical actions such as shaking the head, making eye contact, shaking hands, patting, hugging, etc. It has numerous forms according to many factors such as country, society, culture, time, relationship, occasion, surrounding environment. For example, in Western culture it is customary for men and women to give each other a gentle hug and kiss with their lips lightly under the ear to show their belonging. We see this in international ceremonies, foot, Oscar award ceremony etc. Nowadays, such greetings are becoming common in Hindi film festivals and award ceremonies as well. Or 'shaking hand' is a universal practice, but in Japanese greetings, instead of shaking hands, people bow at the waist to greet each other. Mange was a staple in the school curriculum as a native greeting. There was a lot of interesting information. For example, when greeting in China, people say to each other 'Did you eat rice today? Such inquiries are made. Of course, it is not known whether the Chinese still make such an inquiry during greetings. Because the way of greeting is also changing with time.

• Hello

Among the ways of greeting, 'Namaste' is a way of greeting people all over the world

It is found to be very popular. Say 'Namaste' by joining both hands in front of the chest And greeting with a smile on the face has become an identity of Indians and Indian culture for foreigners. In Maharashtra, it is customary to say 'Namaskar' instead of Namaste. Namaskar is also used in Hindi, but there is a practice of pronouncing it as 'Namaskar'. Namaskara, Namaste also expresses the greeting. Many five-star hotels welcome foreign guests by putting kumkumtilak, waving pancharati and garlanding their necks. Foreign visitors like this very much. They find all this very unappealing. In Maharashtra, it is customary to greet and welcome guests from weddings, meetings, gatherings and religious festivals. Braiding is not an easy or easy task. From the cities, people with these skills have to be kept ready. This type is also very elegant and graceful. Even foreign visitors love this fete. Namaste, Namaskar express our traditionality, welcome, hospitality, affection and respect. If it is not possible to tie fete, the welcome is also done by putting on 'topi'.

Part 2

• Shakehand :

While shaking hands, that action should be done wholeheartedly. Reluctantly shaking hands, not giving or taking hands completely, shaking hands very coldly all of course send a negative message. Although it is customary for men and women to shake hands with each other in the modern business world, it does not seem that this type of greeting is still universal and common in our country; But gradually it will happen. Misconceptions, misunderstandings, misunderstandings, prejudices will be reduced. Shaking hands involves lightly pressing or patting each other's hands. Shaking hands until helpless is obviously not a sign of good manners. There are many types of shakehands. It has been discussed in detail in my book Body Language.

Step Touch:

Namaste, like Namaskar, Bakun Namaskar should also be said to be an authentic Indian greeting. It is found to be customary in society with slight differences from different regions of India. There is a lot of variation in how much to bow, which part of the foot to touch with the hand, how to do it, etc. while bowing. I have discussed these different types of touch in detail in my book 'Body Language'. In general, it is customary for the younger to bow to the older. Age seniority - juniority is taken into account as to who should bow. It can change according to position, knowledge, authority, education, power, occasion. For example, on the occasion of Maujibandhan, 'Badus' of eight or ten years of age are bowed down. Because on that day, whatever the age of the dwarf on that occasion Charan Parsha is the authentic Indian, he is an incarnation of God, a way of greeting. As is the perception. Also whoever we consider as 'guru' irrespective of the age of that person, even that guru is bowed down. Often the small-bigness in the relationship, respect One has to bow with consideration. Such a greeting expresses humility, meekness, surrender.

Many gurus and elders do not like bowing to him. For example Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar did not like bowing and prostrating like that, and it can be thought that it is not appropriate to bow and prostrate before anyone other than God. The personification of the salutations of laying down the foundation. The sense of superiority-inferiority becomes stronger, the person who falls on his feet begins to think himself big without reason, he becomes more arrogant and the one who bows down feels inferior, helpless, his self-confidence smiles. Many also feel that his will to use his own brain, his own abilities, weakens.

There are also many people who share their experience that it is in their best interest for children to regularly bow down to their parents and Gurujans and take their 'blessings'. In short, pros and cons of bowing down, bowing down and prostrating can be said. 'Ayushyaman Bhava, Yashashaho Ho, Sukhaat Raha, Jite Raho' is said by seniors at such auspicious times.

• Hello-Hi :

In recent times, especially among the younger generation, a popular way of greeting each other is to say 'hello' or say 'hi'! How loud, long, sweet the pronunciation of hello or hi is depends on the closeness, intimacy, etc. of the relationship. How are you with this hello-hi pair? It is customary to ask questions rather than inquiries with such intimacy.

The way to answer it is with words like 'Fine, Thank you, How are you'. Many people are so used to it in modern manners and manners that it all comes out of their mouths automatically at the moment of meeting. Of course, any mechanical action, no matter how efficient and prompt it may be, lacks soul. We have too don't like One should behave in business keeping in mind that what one does not like, one's behavior will not be liked by others.

Saying goodbye

Just as there are various methods and types of greetings, there are also manners for saying goodbye and saying goodbye. There are indications. Most of the time, there is a 'shake hand' method. In English it is called 'bye', 'see you', 'I shall take your life now'. In Marathi it is said 'good, let's meet again', 'good, saying goodbye', 'leaving, coming; But smiling goodbyes, walking to the door to drop off the car, shaking hands, exclaiming thank you, see you soon are all part of proper manners. The word 'thank you' is very useful in English. We can say thank you when meeting, thank you when saying goodbye. The words thank you and ok come up many times in this chapter on etiquette. The discussion here is brief. For more interesting information in this regard and according to body language, readers must see my book 'Body Language, i.e. Body Language'.

Among the various forms of greetings, the Maasai, a tribal tribe in Africa, practice spitting on each other's body when meeting each other. Another country has the practice of pressing each other's shoulders. 'Did you eat fish?' Asking such a question is greeted in another country. 'Salute' as a salute in military service. goes The subject of overall greetings is a very interesting and varied one, to be sure.

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