$ZKS will be one of the most profitable airdrop in history. Get $10,000 in volume with this strategy

6 Jan 2024

$ZKS will be one of the most profitable airdrops in history.

Get $10,000 in volume with my strategy in ZkSync.

Time - 10 minutes
Cost - $5 gas fees

My opinion is that volume in blockchain is crucial. For example, in the Arbitrum airdrop, it was the key to wealth.
I've prepared a step-by-step guide with videos for each action to ensure you don't make any mistakes.

Airdrop Strategy

➬ Deposit 0.44 ETH to your OKX exchange account.
➬ Withdraw the funds to your wallet on the ZkSync ERA.

Volume 1/3

➬ Head to: https://app.mav.xyz/?chain=1
➬ Swap 0.43 ETH for CBUSD.

Volume 2/3

➬ Head to: https://app.odos.xyz
➬ Swap between BUSD to USDC, 10 repetitions.

Volume 3/3

➬ Head to: https://app.mav.xyz/?chain=1
➬ Swap max CBUSD for ETH

Withdrawing from ZkSync.

➬ Head to: https://across.to/bridge
➬ Send ETH from ZkSync to Arbitrum


Upon successfully completing this route, you will receive volume $13,000 in ZkSync Era.

Don't miss the upcoming major giveaways. Follow for more airdrop guides!

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