The Seven Hermetic Principles: The Universal Laws of Existence
The seven hermetic principles are cardinal concepts of hermeticism, a form of gnosis believed to have being pioneered by Hermes Trismegistus. Hermetic writings are collectively known as Hermetica. The seven principles of hermeticism were captured in a book called ‘The Kybalion’ authored by the three initiates and published by the yogi publication society in 1908. There is this unfounded attribution to William Walter Atkinson as its true author. Photo credit: Arthur Yeti
The 7 hermetic principles.
The seven hermetic principles are anchored on observed truths about the workings of the universe, universal mind per say. Critics of these principles are of the opinion that the advent of new thought must have influenced their writing and concluded that the traditional hermetic system is quite broader. These seven principles are centred on mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, compensation and gender of the universe.
There is also another school of thought that emphasized that the Arabs contributed immensely to hermetical writings. History is popularly known for contrary views on a particular subject or theme and the reason is related to inaccurate record keeping of the long past eras. Whatever and whoever constructed these seven principles have showed erudition in observational arcane science. Here are the seven hermetic principles:
The all is mind; the universal is mental
This is known as the principle of mentalism and relate to the intelligence facet of the universal mind as known as the macro cosmic.
As above, so below; as below so above.
This is called the principle of correspondence which explains the logical relationship between the physical and invisible realms existence. The plane of existence above the physical plane is a reflection of the plane below it. Though the law governing each realm could difference but there are stark similarities. For example, on earth we eat physical to sustain our light but on the astral plane, the citizens there feeds on astral energy or light.
Nothing rest; everything moves; everything vibrates.
This is referred to as the principle of vibration. Here everything is in a state of flux even when they appear solid to the eyes. We as a physical body are a conglomerate of atoms in constant vibration. When people die, they do not rest but continue to exist in adherence to the principle of expression or creativity.
Everything is dual; everything has poles or opposites.
This relates the principle of polarity. This principle went further to state ‘everything has a pair of opposites which are identical in nature but different in degree’. This is observed in almost everything in nature e.g. positive and negative, deductive and inductive reasoning, good and bad. The principle of polarity is explained further ‘extreme meets; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled’. How do extreme meet? It is seen when people of extreme view meet because they need a neutral point in order to co-exist or function. Nature itself tries to eliminate any extreme condition to strike a balance. How are truths half-truths? No single explanation fits all conditions or situations or people.
Everything flows; in and out.
This is the hermetic principle of rhythm. It could also be called the law of flux. Fluidity causes flux and what is so fluid than energy. This principle expands further ‘everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swings; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of swing to the left; rhythm compensates’. You could see this principle explaining harmonic flow in all things because nature always presents a vent for harmonic flow. You eat through the mouth and pass the byproduct through your anus. Energy needs to flow to keep everything healthy. Inactivity results in ill-health or damage.
Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.
This is the hermetic principle of cause and effects which is also known as the law of compensation or principle of justice. This law could be explained by Newton’s first law of motion: ‘An object maintains the rest position until it is acted upon by an external force’. In a moving state, the object continues to move until stopped by an external force. That is, the reluctance of an object to move or stop except it is acted on by an external force. In a general sense, this principle illustrates that everything has a first cause and a subsequent effect. E.g. Illness has a cause and pollution also has a cause. God or the Supreme Being is often considered the first cause while creation, its effect.
Gender is in everything
This is the hermetic principle of gender. It further explains: ‘everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests in all planes’. The Chinese calls it yin-yang. Gender is manifested on the physical plane as sex: you are a man or a woman. However, each man and woman has their opposite gender nature in them. Hormonal therapies capitalizes on this to create an artificial orientation. Hermeticism cautioned against the debasement of this principle. The gender principle generates, regenerates and nurtures. Photo credit: Jr Korpa
The seven hermetic principles are attributed to Hermes Trismegistus and probably propagated by the new thought adherents. The principles try to explain observable truths in the universe and the microcosm, man. Some reputable scientists through their experiments have confirmed the soundness of these principles and mystics of various traditions have also talked and wrote about these principle.
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Britannica (2024) Hermetic writings.
Wikipedia (2024).The Kybalion.
The three initiates (2003) The Kybalion: hermetic philosophy.