The Quiet Christmas Wish

20 Dec 2024

The year is ending, snow descends so white,
A time for wishes, bathed in candlelight.
My heart's desire, a quiet, gentle plea,
For peace of mind, to finally set me free.

The stresses fade, the worries start to cease,
A calming balm, a comforting release.
No longer bound by burdens, dark and deep,
A tranquil slumber, secrets I will keep.

This Christmas wish, a solace I embrace,
A peaceful heart, within this sacred space.
To shed the weight, the tension and the strain,
And find contentment, in sunshine and in rain.

A quiet moment, free from hurried pace,
A gentle smile, upon my weary face.
To breathe it in, the calm, the sweet repose,
Where quiet comfort softly overflows.

No frantic rush, no deadlines looming near,
But gentle stillness, banishing all fear.
A space to simply be, without a care,
A peaceful haven, beyond all worldly snare.

To let go now, of anxieties so deep,
And find a haven, where my spirit sleeps.
A tranquil slumber, free from all alarms,
Enfolded safely, in peace's gentle arms.

This Christmas hope, a wish I hold so dear,
To quell the turmoil, banish every fear.
To feel the lightness, freedom's gentle breeze,
And find my solace, among the winter trees.

The year unfolds, with promise yet unknown,
But peace of mind, a treasure I have sown.
A quiet journey, where my spirit flies,
Beneath the starlit, winter, Christmas skies.

Let worries melt, like snowflakes in the sun,
A peaceful spirit, the victory is won.
A quiet comfort, settles in my soul,
Making me complete and making me whole.

So let this Christmas bring a gentle grace,
And peace of mind, fill up this sacred space.
A heartfelt yearning, deep within my breast,
For quiet calm, and lasting, sweet unrest.

You've come this far. May the Divine Grace be upon you.

If you have some spare time to review my other pieces of writing, I would greatly appreciate your support and I thank you in advance.

What Do I Need As I Age?

My Greatest Fear

My Childhood Ambition

Beyond Cramps: Uncovering the Causes of My Intense Menstrual Pain

Fate's Script, Free Will's Ink

One “Why”, One “How”

The Pillars of a Blissful Life

Navigating the Tides: My Journey with Menstrual Cramps

The Long Road to Peace

My First BULB-SOL Swap

The Murmur of Fear

A Love Unfurled

From Doubter to Speaker: Breaking Barriers and Finding My Voice

Confessions of a Nervous Nelly

Beyond the Type: Understanding My INFJ-T Personality in Depth

My Inner Self Revealed: A Personality Test Adventure

BULB: The Future of Social Media in Web3

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