31 Dec 2022

Year 2022 was fun packed and a bucket loads of lessons, losses, tears, smiles and just a pool of sighs, but we made it this far and to anyone seeing this cheers. Wishing you a better and glorious 2023. GIVE THANKS TO GOD.
We didn't quite get as much as we wanted in both results and dreams but we survived.
This closing year called us to the fact that we are natural born survivors and nothing can truly faze us. Wars broke out yet we survived, Crypto showed us a whole lot of pain and regrets yet we kept moving forward.
2023 will be great but it will be greater if you carry this year's lessons to it and improve yourself on an exponential scale. Greater things happen when we prepare for it and trust GOD to see us through.
Truly 2022 was a crazy ride but we survived cause we've gat HOPE and GOD as our backing.

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