The Future of the Veterinary Industry: How Will It Change?

16 May 2022

It's hard to predict the future, but one thing that is inevitable is change. As the world continues to grow and evolve, so do our needs. With this in mind, it's important for veterinarians to stay up-to-date on what changes are happening in their industry now and how they will impact them later down the road. The veterinary industry has undergone many transformations over recent years; it is a rapidly changing one, and there are many changes that have been predicted to come in the future. In this blog, we will explore some of those trends and what they could mean for the industry as a whole. We'll also discuss how veterinarians can prepare themselves for these changes by staying up-to-date on new technology and developing their skill set accordingly.

One of the most prominent changes that are expected to occur in the veterinary industry is the growth of digital health. With technology becoming more and more advanced, it's no surprise that this trend will have an impact on vets. In particular, there is predicted to be a rise in telemedicine - which is the use of telecommunications technologies to provide clinical health care from a distance. This is great news for vets, as it means they will be able to provide care for patients who are unable to travel or live too far away. It also has the potential to help reduce costs, as patients won't need to go see a vet in person if they can receive treatment remotely. However, without the animal there to be examined and/or treated, this may be difficult. This development would be ideal for discussion topics like, for example, nutrition consultations or general health concerns.

Another scenario that is expected to have a big impact on the veterinary industry is the aging population. With the number of seniors in the world increasing, there is a greater demand for veterinary services. In particular, pets are becoming increasingly popular among retirees and this is expected to continue in the future. This is especially true for those in developed countries, where pets are often seen as members of the family. The number of elderly pet owners is only going to continue to grow, so vets need to be prepared for this influx of patients. They will also need to develop ways to cater to the specific needs of elderly pet owners, such as by providing more consultation services and home visits. This is great news for vets, as it means they will be able to generate more revenue from pet care services.

Another trend that is predicted to have a significant impact on the veterinary industry in the future is an increase in pet insurance. As more and more people become concerned about their pets' wellbeing, they are beginning to purchase high-quality plans. This trend will not only benefit vets by providing them with new patients but also owners who can then rest easy knowing they can pay for their pet's treatment if necessary. This is great news as it means pets will have access to more medical treatments, which in turn leads to healthier and happier animals - not to mention a better quality of life. While there are plenty of risks involved with purchasing insurance plans for your animal companion, this trend does look promising!

An additional future prediction for the veterinary industry is that it will become more specialised. What we mean by this is that vets will begin to focus on specific areas of pet care, rather than providing general services. This shift is likely to be brought about by the aging population and the increase in pet insurance, as both of these factors will create a greater demand for specialist services. For example, there will likely be a rise in the number of vets who specialize in geriatric care, or those who offer services like dental care and acupuncture. This is great news for vets, as it means they will be able to focus on their area of expertise and provide more specialised services to their patients.

Another trend is the increasing use of technology in pets. Not only are more and more owners taking advantage of pet wearables, but vets are also beginning to incorporate these into their practices as well! For example, recent studies showed that dogs who wore activity trackers were less likely to experience issues with obesity than those without one. This is great news for vets, as it means they can begin to use technology to help diagnose and treat health problems in pets before they become too serious.

We also predict that there will be an increase in the number of pet owners who switch to vegan or vegetarian diets for their animals. This is likely due to the increasing awareness of animal welfare and climate change. There are some risks involved in switching a pet's diet, and currently, vets do not recommend this. However, we believe that this trend will continue to grow in popularity as more and more people become interested in veganism and vegetarianism. Veterinarians need to be aware of these concerns so they can advise their clients accordingly and perhaps formulate new balanced diets.

In the future, you may see a rise in pet health and well-being supplements that promote organ health and wellness. Although there are currently some options out there such as pet vitamins and probiotics, this area could certainly benefit from more development with additional research into how to improve a pet's health.

Another future prediction, which is unfortunate for the veterinary industry, is a shortage of vets. With the current situation in rural areas being a decline in veterinary services, there will be a lack of professionals to fill these positions and provide care for animals that need it most. Most importantly, this means opening up new opportunities for students who have chosen careers as veterinarians! This is excellent news if you're looking into becoming one yourself, as it means you'll be in high demand once you graduate. However, this shortage also poses a few challenges that the industry will need to address. For example, vets may need to find ways to work remotely in order to cater to those who live in rural areas. Alternatively, they may need to focus on expanding their services into these areas. This has both beneficial and detrimental consequences: the labour overload can overwhelm veterinarians, but there is a need for veterinarians in the sector; therefore, this problem may encourage more people to consider being a veterinarian.

In addition to the changes and predictions that we have mentioned, many other developments are expected to occur in the veterinary industry in the future. These include things like advances in diagnostic tools, changes in drug regulations and pet food, and increased use of technology.

So what does the future hold for the veterinary industry? Only time will tell! Whatever the future holds for the veterinary industry, one thing is for sure: it will continue to change and grow. So if you're passionate about animals and want a career that's always evolving, this may be the perfect field for you!

They say that the future belongs to those who prepare for it, and the veterinary industry is no exception. By predicting these trends, vets can ensure that they're ready for whatever comes their way!

Islander Vet Chronicles
Nilka Ileana Arroyave-Egipciaco
BSc Animal Science & Pre-Veterinary Medicine | @UPRM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine | 4rd Year Student
Faculty of Science | School of Veterinary Science
The University of Sydney

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