A Raindrop On The Nectar of Euphorbia Milii Flower

19 Jul 2024

After rained in the middle of the night, there were many raindrops left on the Euphrobia milii flower which in front of my bed room. Plenty raindrops was still remained there until morning day, so I decided to capture several raindrops which on that flowers.

Setelah hujan turun di tengah malam, masih banyak rintik air hujan yang tertinggal di beberapa bunga Euphrobia milii yang ada di depan kamar tidur saya. Banyak rintik air hujan yang masih tertinggal di sana hingga menjelang pagi hari, jadi saya memutuskan untuk mengabadikan beberapa rintik air hujan yang ada di bunga itu.

The light was not so strong because at that morning the weather was still cloudy, so the photo result is a little quite under exposure. (hpx)

Cahayanya tidak terlalu begitu kuat karena pada pagi itu cuaca masih berawan, sehingga hasil fotonya sedikit kurang pencahayaan.(hpx)

Camera : Canon M50
Translation tool : Google Translate

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