Causes of conflict

11 Aug 2022

It is desirable to carefully examine the fundermenral tenets of the two popular religions in the country, Islam and Christianity in order to identify the main causes of religious disunity, intolerance, hatred and instability to peace. This awareness will help to eradicate religious fanaticism among students, workers and the generality of people. The comparison should neither be seen as a way of projecting one religion over another not a way of claiming that one religion is better than the other. We are not here to champion the cause of any religion nor are we here to condemn one religion ok favour of another. There is no basis for such bias opinion, hence no one should form irrational conclusion. The main aim objective of the study is to awaken everyone to practice the tenets of religion the right way in order to reduce tension about religion, thereby throwing over board those elements that often bring religious conflicts

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