掲示板で連絡があった全く違うターミナルでのゲート案内が最終的にあった。この、メリーダ行きのフライトはまじで沼。しかも、最終まで大きな掲示板では情報が間違った情報のままだし、まじで終わってる。飛行機に乗るのに慣れていたけど、久しぶりに冷や汗をかきそうになった。メキシコまじでヤバイわ。なんてゆるい国なんや。すげぇ。めっちゃゆるゆる。 10:15am
## Eng
I finally got gate directions at a completely different terminal that was communicated to me on the board. This flight to Merida was a challange, seriously. And the information on the big message board remained wrong until the last minute, it's seriously over. I was used to flying, but this was the first time in a long time I almost broke out in a cold sweat. I was seriously doomed. Mexico brings me a new experience. What a loose country. It's amazing.
🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦
🥦 https://linktr.ee/mizuo 🥦