When will Kali Yuga end?

29 Jul 2022

Today's man is worried about Kaliyuga and the great destruction of the universe, but if he knows the truth, he becomes happy instead of sad, this is a hidden secret of Raja Yoga meditation. It is a matter of happiness that the great transformation of the world is near and the golden age is coming soon. Today many people say that Kali Yuga is still a child, it has millions more years. According to the scriptures, there is still a lot of time left in the great destruction of the universe. But now the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, says that now the age of Kali has become old. Kaliyuga is not yet a child, but a little is left. Now this is the closest thing to the great destruction of the world.
Now that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Shiva is incarnating and drinking the nectar of knowledge, they are deprived of him. Today even scientific experts say that the speed with which the population is increasing, the yield of food is not increasing in this proportion, so they declare great destruction as a result of very severe famine.
Those who have understood that there are still millions of years left in Kaliyuga, they are spending their time only in material things, they are returning their own good fortune. Now the Kali-age world is breathing its last, it is on its death-bed. This lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego! afflicted by diseases.

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