Short Story :- A Professor !

22 Feb 2024

Once a professor goes to a classroom and stands in front of the students holding a glass of water and says, "Children, tell me, what will be the weight of this glass of water?"

The child says, "By mixing water and glass, it will be 400-500 grams. It will not be more than this."

The professor again asks the children, "What if I hold him for an hour?"

The child says, "If you hold an hourglass for one hour, it will seem very heavy."

The professor says, "Okay, what if I hold on for the whole day?"

The child says, "You will die, your muscles may become stiff, you will feel a lot of pain, you will not be able to bear it, there will be a feeling like paralysis."

The professor says again, “What if I hold it for a few more days?”

The child says, "Then your arm may have to be removed. An operation may have to be done. Your condition may be so bad. You may feel so heavy."

Then what that professor has said is that the weight of that glass of water is nothing, but if you keep holding it, it will become heavy and will cause a lot of harm.

Similarly, our failures, our disappointments, our disappointments do not weigh anything, but if we hold on to them and do not let go of them, they keep harming us.

Whatever mistake you have made in the past days, months or years, whatever failure you have faced, learn from it and move forward, do not hold on to it.

Divide your big goals into smaller goals and move forward with new energy and enthusiasm. And always remember one thing that if you work hard and smart today, your tomorrow will be smart, but if you do not take any action today, then the situation you are in today will remain in the same situation tomorrow also. This means your future is in your hands.


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