
13 Dec 2022

Diet plays a very important role in a life of a healthy person. With a good diet also a person can be fit and fine. Diet means it is all food we eat in that day. A good diet can make a person fit and healthy and a bad diet can make a person unfit or unhealthy. A proper diet is very good source for weight and or weight loose. A good diet contains all amount of nutrition like carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, calories.etc.

Advantages of a good diet :

1. A healthy diet can improve and maintain optimal health.
2. By in taking a good proper diet plan can boost our confidence both physically and mentally also.
3. A healthy diet can helps in weight gaining as well as your weight loss also.
4. We can improve fitness for the long run of the life.
5. If we are taking proper diet it reduces blood sugar levels, blood pressure, Cholesterol, also reduces stress level and it also enhances the mood.
6. Also feels good from inside and outside.

Disadvantages of not taking a good diet :

1. If not taking a proper diet eating so much of junk food can increase your weight rapidly and risk on many health issues .
2. If you overeat and become it will embarrass your in front of other people.
3. And if you become fat, it can increase your stress level and you will not feel good from inside as well as outside.
4. A bad diet increases risk of heart problems,high blood pressure, high cholesterol.
5. If you overeat or not taken a proper diet it can also affect in your sleep time.
6. Also many digestive problems can happen with you

Eating according to calories :

For weight gain

For gaining weight we have to eat in calorie surplus means if your daily body requirement of calories is 2500 so to maintain that body weight you have to intake 2500 calories and if you want to increase or gain weight you have to eat some extra calories like go for 2700 calories take some extra calories and inrease slowly slowly .

For weight loss

For loosing weight you have to eat some less calories for example if intake 4500 calories and for loose weight you have to eat some less calories like go for 4300 calories for that day. And decrease calories slowly slowly.

A diet can make you healthy and live long as well make you unhealthy also.
So choose diet wisely according to you.

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