Legal age of marriage in Russia is 14 year

22 Jan 2023

As we know that only by following the path of sustainable development can the country become stronger, instead of blindly pursuing the slanting edge and putting oneself in an extremely disadvantaged position.

According to reason, 14 years old is a flower-like age, at that time, the body functions will be fully developed and perfect. If childbirth is not conducive to the woman, that is the reason most countries sets the age of marriage at 22 for men and 20 for women to ensure that both parties are still ignorant. Looking closely at history, most women’s marriage age is basically around 13-15 years old. This situation is a bit different from the current situation in Russia. From the perspective of modern medicine, men and women basically complete their body development around the age of 18-20, which has led many countries to set the marriage age at 18 years old. In other words, at the age of 14, there are no fertility conditions.

Russia population 146 million

The development of a country , To a large extent depends on the population, if the population cannot guarantee an orderly increase, it is very likely to affect the national fortune. The problem of population growth has seriously affected the development of the Russian state. To ensure effective population growth, the Russian government has set the legal age of marriage at fourteen. This can effectively stimulate the country’s fertility rate and help increase the population.

The population of the United States is about 328 million, and that of Russia is only 146 million. The population gap is about 182 million. Labor force analysis said that Russia is far inferior to the United States, and in terms of land use area, Russia is still inferior to the United States.

Putin came to power with the idea of giving him 20 years to create a strong Russia, but today this dream has not yet been reached, which makes Putin very worried. If a country wants to develop sustainably, it must have enough population to not cause the country's economy to decline.

In other words, Russia sets the age of marriage at 14 to ensure the country’s sustainable development, thereby stimulating population growth, ensuring the country’s sustainable development, and ensuring that the country will not go bankrupt due to population problems . The reason why Russia made it possible to get married at the age of 14, on the one hand, was based on the actual situation in the country, and on the other hand, considering the reasons for the early maturity of women in the country, and made the decision to drop to 14 years old. From the outside, perhaps a little inhumane, according to the actual situation in Russia, there is really no problem.

In Russia, once a student is over the age of 14, the school does not care about students' love issues. If you want to get married, you still need the consent of the guardians of both parties, and for special reasons, you can get married at the age of 14. It can be seen from this that not everyone can get married at the age of 14, and must be strictly controlled, otherwise there is no way to get married. To ensure sustained and effective development, a country must promote sustained population growth. Only a sufficient population can ensure that the country has a sufficient workforce to grow.

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