Vithoba pt. 2

26 Oct 2022

After the dinner, the congregation went to sleep. But parents stayed awake for a long time.
The automobile moved extremely quickly. Soon, Sharangpur arrived. In the train station for seven minutes. It wasn't yet daytime. The station released all of the stations. Decided Rickshaw The men and luggage were each given one of three rickshaws. Vinayak of the Rickshaw started rushing to the Mangal office. There was only one mess on the way to the office. Luggage for a bath. Wearing nice attire and being swiftly prepared "Speak to the parents first." Devak wished to have them seated. Ajin abandoned the order. Number for Sameer
went further. Greater in size than Sameer's village was Sharangpur. The office was excellent. There were two stories above and below. The bride is lying flat on the upper floor. The father of the child requested that the wedding take place in our community. She was wedded here, Sameer pondered. Your hamlet doesn't have an office this size and pleasant. At last, Sameer's phone number appeared. He threw out his new clothes. Then he began to move about while walking. Parents were seated at the altar. In their area, there was a knit, ornamented tai. She appeared stunning. It's been quite some time. Now, the audience had significantly increased. Sameer had a mild case of hunger. He then started searching for his granny. Grandmother The room will be just as described. There would have been no standing luggage. anything he want. She will also have Ladu's coaches, Chivada, in her care. When Sameer Bhaibhai entered the space, someone was already there. It was destroyed. There were numerous searches. "Sri, you claim she is a kind person." My father was upset at my uncles. Bumpy Uncle remarked, "Oh, but upon arrival at the station I did not offer you in your hand." ' Oh! Where did she go if she surrendered to my hand? Dad yelled. "Look, there will be back there."
Grandma departed from the furman. Returning to the luggage, somewhere beefcus "Oh, my God!" What shall we now do? Daddy gets irritated Take a seat. Hey, but you have a befcus in your hand if you were riding in the rickshaw. said the mother. If so, you don't want to look after her. You knew. She wears just gold jewellery, though. similarly to you. Hey, but you'll be the one to handle it, right? What will happen to me then? "Don't yell," you sister. Grandpa said. Look at this, the burglar will only have been taken when it arrives in the workplace.
"Theft?" Mother raises a query. 'Father! That is to say, all of the wedding jewellery has been lost! That Ram! Dad feared the worst. What should I show those individuals now? Where should jewellery arrive on time? What will Mulakad's residents have to say to us? How will you respond? Mother had watery eyes. 'Oh God! What do we do next? Now I think of God. Evidently, Devadharma overlooked something. A visitor spoke before me. 'No, yes. Clan culture, religion, and everything else was done superbly. Grandma's Statement Bhaterjee's call from outside in the meantime. Come right away, and bring the bride's jewellery. Baba managed to leave the room and enter the hallway, but his legs were shaky.

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