about viruses

12 Jan 2024

Today I will give information about viruses Viruses are microscopic entities that are smaller than bacteria. Unless viruses can find a host to settle in, they wait in a lifeless state that shows no signs of life. It may contain either DNA or RNA. We said that the virus is non-living outside the host, and now we add that it cannot reproduce outside the host because it lacks the complex substances and organelles to reproduce. There are enzymes in the head parts and the outer layer is protein structured.
A few examples of viruses are -
H1N1 virus
EBOLA virus
SARS virus
POLIO virus

Some viruses can seriously affect your life negatively. Let me give you a few examples of what you can do to take precautions.
1-avoid touching with your hands outside
2-You can wear disposable gloves on your hands
3-Disinfect your hands frequently and carry disinfectant with you.
4-Do not bring your hands to your mouth or face (when outside)
5-Do not be in unnecessary crowded places
6- Pay attention to hygiene rules in public places
I will leave some virus photos for those who want to see what viruses look like

thank you for your time ,see you later

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