Trojan on Solana: Revolutionizing Crypto Trading with Speed and Volume

28 Jun 2024

Here's a detailed overview of how to earn massive amounts with Trojan On Solana:

Referral System

  • Commission Rates: The referral system offers a 25% commission, which can increase to 35% if the referrer achieves $10K worth of volume.
  • Referral Rewards: Referrals receive 10% off fees for life, and the referrer receives a referral reward in the form of a percentage of their fees.
  • Multi-Layer Referrals: The referral program extends five layers deep, allowing users to earn rewards from both direct and indirect referrals.

Earnings Potential

  • Lifetime Volume: Trojan On Solana has handled a lifetime volume of $3 billion and has close to 185,000 unique users after just four months of launch.
  • Daily Trading Volume: The bot has facilitated over $20.5 million in trading volume, executed around 185,000 trades, and served 17,197 users in a single day.
  • User Base: Trojan ranks as the third most active TG Trading Bot on the Solana chain, with a market share of 18.2% in weekly volume.
  • Earnings: Users have reported earning significant amounts daily, such as $2,600 or 15 SOL per day, solely through their referrals.

Trading Fees

  • Base Trading Fee: The base trading fee is 1% for every buy or sell transaction, which can be reduced to 0.9% if you sign up through a referral link.
  • Gas Fees: Additional costs include gas fees, which are essential for powering transactions on the Solana network.

Key Features

Trojan On Solana offers several features that make it an attractive option for Solana enthusiasts:

  • Copy Trading: Users can mimic successful trading strategies, ideal for both beginners and experienced traders.
  • Limit Orders: Users can set specific prices at which they want to buy or sell, offering more control over their trades.
  • Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA): This feature manages risk by spreading orders over time.
  • Cross-Chain Bridge: This feature facilitates seamless asset transfers between Ethereum and Solana blockchains, unlocking broader trading opportunities

Getting Started

To get started with Trojan On Solana, you need to join the platform via Telegram. You can then share your unique referral link with others to start earning passive income.


Trojan On Solana offers a lucrative opportunity to earn free Solana through its referral program. With its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and impressive track record, it has become a popular choice within the Solana community. By leveraging the referral system and taking advantage of the platform's features, users can earn significant amounts daily

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