Trump 2.0 is similar to Erdogan 4.0

28 Oct 2024

Drawing parallels between Donald Trump and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan highlights how both leaders leverage populism, fear, and institutional control to advance authoritarian agendas. Erdoğan's consolidation of power in Turkey, undermining judiciary independence, controlling the media, and centralizing executive authority, showcases a practical playbook for eroding democracy. While Trump's strategies seem less ideological and more self-serving, his admiration for authoritarian tactics could lead to U.S. institutional degradation. The analysis of Erdoğan's playbook provides critical insights into how Trump might pursue his political ambitions if given the chance to regain power.

As political landscapes evolve globally, strongman rule has become increasingly visible in various forms. Donald Trump, a polarizing figure in the United States, has often admired authoritarian leaders. While Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán have frequently been referenced as models, a more fitting comparison lies with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Like Trump, Erdoğan initially rose within a democratic framework but has progressively shifted Turkey toward a more authoritarian state. Examining Erdoğan's tactics offers a template to understand how Trump's potential return to office could reshape the United States' democratic landscape.
Erdoğan's ascent in Turkey illustrates how an elected leader can gradually erode democratic norms. Central to Erdoğan's strategy has been consolidating power within the judiciary and silencing dissent in the media. After surviving a 2016 coup attempt, Erdoğan used the incident to justify purging thousands of government officials, judges, and journalists deemed disloyal. Similarly, Trump has voiced intentions of reforming the judiciary to reflect his agenda, indicating a willingness to reshape institutions to align with personal loyalties rather than judicial independence. This erosion of checks and balances opens the door to unchecked executive power, creating a precedent where loyalty trumps qualifications.
Both Trump and Erdoğan have also used populist rhetoric to solidify their bases, casting themselves as defenders of the 'real' people against an out-of-touch elite. Erdoğan's calls to "protect Turkey" resonate with Trump's calls to "drain the swamp," with both leaders blaming bureaucratic and political institutions for national ills. This tactic fuels a "deep state" conspiracy narrative, undermining public trust in institutions and enabling leaders to portray opposition as treacherous. Such rhetoric reinforces a divisive atmosphere, making compromise increasingly difficult and fueling polarization.
A critical tool Erdoğan wields is his ability to control Turkey's media. In the United States, Trump has criticized major media outlets as "fake news" and has shown a preference for echo chambers that amplify his views. While the U.S. media landscape is not as centralized, Trump's influence has demonstrated how media discreditation can erode public confidence. A potential future scenario could involve attempts to limit or punish critical media outlets, further centralizing the flow of information.
The implications of Erdoğan's and Trump's tactics are substantial. As Erdoğan's example shows, policies that look good on paper—such as judiciary reform or anti-terrorism measures—can, in practice, dismantle institutional checks and increase authoritarian control. Trump's style may be more chaotic, but if given another term, his admiration for authoritarian strategies suggests he might apply similar policies with potentially irreversible impacts on the United States democratic foundations.
Concluding Reflections
Erdoğan's authoritarian model offers a compelling case study on the risks posed by leaders who disregard democratic norms in favor of personal power consolidation. While Trump's approach may lack a consistent ideology, his populist appeal and willingness to embrace strongman tactics could echo Erdoğan's authoritarian trajectory. Erdoğan's Turkey shows that seemingly democratic reforms can effectively disguise an authoritarian agenda. Suppose Trump or similar leaders pursue these tactics. In that case, they risk undermining democratic norms and eroding the institutional structures essential to balance, accountability, and public trust in governance. Recognizing these patterns is essential to safeguarding democratic integrity in the face of potential authoritarian drift.
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