Winter Diet

17 Jan 2023

Use these things to keep yourself warm from inside in winter

Winter Diet: With the onset of winters comes the struggle to keep warm and avoid the chilly weather. There are many ways to keep yourself warm externally, such as heaters, radiators, drinking hot liquids such as coffee, hot tea and hot chocolate. But along with this there is a need to protect ourselves internally as well, about which we are going to tell you today.

The only way to keep yourself warm from inside in winter is to eat well. There are many foods that will warm you up physically and keep you energized. See here-


Ginger is a root vegetable and you can also call it the magic root. It has antibiotic and medicinal properties and this is the reason why people use it as a main ingredient in winter teas and soups. Ginger has the power to not only keep you warm but also keep you away from diseases. Ginger is good for digestion and can stimulate thermogenesis. It is diaphoretic in abundance, which means it will help warm our body from inside.


Turmeric is also one of those ancient medicines which you will find in Indian kitchen even today. It is used in teas and home remedies to fight infections, allergies and colds. According to Healthline, turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that can help combat joint pain in winter. In addition, it is also known as a "warming" spice as it promotes blood circulation and stimulates digestion resulting in better nutrient absorption.


According to Ayurveda, jaggery has a garam shakti (aka tasir), which means that when we eat jaggery, it speeds up our metabolism thereby generating more heat in the body. This heat helps in dilating the blood vessels which also improves the blood flow. Jaggery is rich in minerals like phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, potassium and antioxidants, which help boost the immune system and help the body fight diseases.


Honey is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which makes it a great option to add to your diet for winters. Honey prepares the body to fight infection and boosts immunity. Apart from this, it can also be a great option for your skin care and hair care in winters. It is time you should consume honey and heal yourself from within.


By the way, on normal days also dry fruits are asked to be included in the diet as snacks. But in winter they should be eaten compulsorily, especially almonds and walnuts, whose effect is found to be hot. Walnuts and almonds will keep your body warm from inside and provide the required heat to the body, which can help in fighting winter.

Disclaimer: The tips and tricks given in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, consult your doctor immediately.

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