Normalize neutralizing toxic behaviors.

6 Apr 2024

Normalize seeing someone’s lack of effort as their lack of interest in you regardless of what they tell you. Giving you all of the right words, but none of the right actions is called manipulation. When a person wants to be with you, they prove it period.
Be grateful if things didn’t work were meant to learn from the experience, not change the toxic situation. Take the lessons with you, and stop feeling for walking away from something that offered emptiness. You deserve a life that fills you up, not drains you.
you can’t tell me you love me and not care about my feelings. You can’t tell me you love me and shut me out when I try to communicate with you. You can’t tell me you love me and not put in the effort to maintain a healthy relationship with me.
that toxic shit dose not add up to love. Speaking from experience, it adds up to a lot of hurt though. And I can no longer afford to be hurt by love. The version of me that tolerated that does not exist anymore. Not here. Not now. Not ever again.

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